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Crack the Puzzle: Solve African Animal Crossword Clue with Ease

Crack the Puzzle: Solve African Animal Crossword Clue with Ease

Do you love solving crossword puzzles? If so, we bet you have come across a few clues about African animals. These creatures are another world compared to the domesticated animals we see around us every day. Learning about them and their unique characteristics can be fascinating and mind-boggling.

One of the most popular crossword clues related to African animals is Big-eared African animal. Do you think you know the answer to this? Think again! The answer might surprise you.

Let's start with an easy one - elephants. Known for their large ears that resemble the shape of Africa itself, these majestic creatures are considered one of the Big Five game animals in Africa. But surprisingly, elephants can't jump! Can you imagine being unable to leave the ground even for a moment?

Another famous African animal that appears frequently in crosswords is the giraffe. These gentle giants tower over other animals at an impressive height of 18 feet! They are notorious for having long necks, which can be up to six feet in length. But did you know that they only need 5 to 30 minutes of sleep per day?

Now, let's talk about the aforementioned Big-eared African animal - the bat-eared fox. Contrary to its name, it is not a type of bat but rather a species of fox found predominantly in the African savanna. They have big ears, which not only help them hear prey but also regulate their body temperature in the hot African sun. How interesting!

One of the most sought-after sightings during an African safari is the lion, another member of the Big Five game animals. These majestic animals are known as the king of the jungle and are infamous for their loud roar, which can be heard up to five miles away! Interestingly, lions can be social creatures, living in groups called prides, which can consist of up to 30 individuals.

Have you ever heard of an animal that can run up to 75 miles per hour? Yes, we're talking about the cheetah. Known for its distinctive spots and lean physique, the cheetah is the fastest land mammal on earth. These animals can go from zero to sixty miles per hour in just three seconds! Now that's some serious speed.

Speaking of speed, let's take a moment to talk about the African wild dog. These rare and threatened animals are fantastic hunters with unparalleled endurance. They can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour and can run over long distances without tiring quickly. Sadly, these fabulous creatures are critically endangered, with only an estimated 6,000 remaining in the wild today.

Are you a fan of hippos? These massive herbivores can weigh up to 4,000 pounds and are mainly found in sub-Saharan Africa. However, don't let their lumbering bodies fool you. Hippos are known as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa and are responsible for more human deaths than lions or crocodiles!

Finally, let's end with a cute and cuddly African animal - the meerkat. These social animals are famous for standing on their hind legs and looking out for danger while others forage for food. They are commonly found in the Kalahari Desert and live in communal burrows called mobs. Did you know that they have excellent eyesight and can spot predators up to one mile away?

So there you have it - a brief introduction to some of the fascinating African animals mentioned in crossword puzzles. We hope this article has intrigued you enough to discover more about these beautiful creatures and their unique features. Can you think of any other clues related to African animals in crosswords? Let us know in the comments below!

African Animal - Crossword Clue
"African Animal - Crossword Clue" ~ bbaz

Can you imagine going on a safari in Africa and encountering some of the most magnificent animals in their natural habitat? From the majestic lion to the graceful giraffe, Africa boasts an incredible array of unique and beautiful creatures that are sure to capture your heart. However, there is one African animal that has puzzled puzzle enthusiasts for years - the answer to a crossword clue that has left many scratching their heads.

The Crossword Clue: A Mysterious Animal

The crossword clue in question is a five-letter word that describes an African antelope with spiral horns. While it may seem like a simple clue, it has proved to be surprisingly difficult to solve. The word is often used in cryptic crossword puzzles, adding to its mystique and intrigue. So, what is this elusive African creature?

The Answer: The Kudu

The answer to the crossword clue is none other than the kudu - a shy and graceful antelope native to eastern and southern Africa. With their large spiral horns and distinctive markings, they are a symbol of elegance and beauty in the African savannah.

The Characteristics of a Kudu

Kudus are known for their distinctive appearance. They have long, slender legs and a slender neck, which helps them to browse leaves and twigs from high branches. Males are adorned with long, spiral horns that can reach lengths of up to 6 feet. As they grow older, their horns tend to curve more, giving them a distinct look. Females, too, have horns, but they are shorter and straighter than the males. Both males and females have a mane of hair along their neck and back, which stands erect when they feel threatened or excited.

The Habits of a Kudu

Kudus are known to be solitary animals, although they may occasionally form small groups of 2-3 individuals. They are mostly active at night, spending their days resting in the shade of trees. Kudus are herbivores, feeding on leaves and twigs, and occasionally fruits and flowers. They have a unique digestive system that allows them to digest tough plant material, making them well adapted to their environment.

The Conservation Status of the Kudu

Despite being a popular target for hunters and poachers, kudus are not considered to be endangered. However, their numbers have declined in some areas due to habitat loss and over-hunting. In many African countries, the kudu is protected by law, but enforcement of these laws can be difficult in remote areas.

Other African Animals

Africa is home to some of the most iconic and fascinating animals in the world. From the powerful elephant to the speedy cheetah, each animal has its own unique characteristics and habits. Here are a few examples:


The king of the African savannah, lions are famous for their fierce roar and majestic mane. They are apex predators, preying on large herbivores such as wildebeest and zebra. Lions are social animals, living in prides made up of several females and their young, with a male or two to protect the group.


With their long necks and lanky legs, giraffes are one of the most recognizable animals in the world. They are browsers, feeding on leaves and buds from tall trees. Their long necks also serve as an advantage in detecting potential predators and communicating with other giraffes.


Zebras are known for their distinctive black and white striped coats. They are herbivores, feeding on grasses and leaves. Zebras live in small family groups, led by a dominant male stallion.


The kudu may be a challenging crossword clue, but it is a fascinating animal in its own right. Africa is home to an incredible array of wildlife, each with its own quirks and characteristics. Whether you're a seasoned safari-goer or simply a lover of animals, there is always something new and exciting to discover in the African wilderness.

African Animals: A Comparison of Their Features and Characteristics


Africa is a continent that boasts vast and diverse wildlife. From majestic elephants to fierce lions, there is an array of animal species that inhabit the continent. Each of these animals possesses unique physical and behavioral traits that make them stand out. In this article, we will be comparing some of Africa's most popular animals - the elephant, lion, leopard, and giraffe.

The Elephant

Elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They have thick grey skin that protects them from the sun and predators. Elephants are also known for their long trunks, which they use for various purposes such as drinking water, picking up food, and communicating with other elephants. They are herbivores and consume up to 300 pounds of vegetation in a single day. Elephants have excellent memories and can remember other elephants for several years, even if they have not met them during that period. Elephants also have a strong social structure and live in groups called herds.

Keywords Opinion
Size Elephants are the largest animals on land, making them impressive creatures to behold.
Food Habits Their eating habits are astonishing, and it is fascinating to witness them consume vegetation at such a large scale.
Social Structure Their social nature and strong bonds with their herds have always been captivating, making them even more endearing.

The Lion

Lions are one of the most recognizable animals in Africa. They are known for their distinctive manes, which provide protection and attract mates. Male lions can weigh up to 550 pounds, while females weigh up to 400 pounds. Lions are carnivorous and hunt in groups called prides. They have a powerful roar that can be heard up to five miles away. Lions have sharp claws and teeth that they use to kill their prey. Despite being fierce hunters, they also have a playful side that is evident when they interact with other pride members.

Keywords Opinion
Physical Appearance The majestic and powerful appearance of lions make them a sight to behold.
Hunting Habits Their hunting skills are formidable, and it's amazing to witness how they work together as a team to bring down their prey.
Behavior Their playful side often surprises many people and adds a touch of tenderness to their fierce nature.

The Leopard

Leopards are elusive creatures that are known for their stunning spotted coats. They are solitary animals that prefer to hunt at night. Leopards have retractable claws, which allow them to move silently when stalking their prey. They have sharp teeth, which they use to kill their prey quickly. Leopards are agile climbers and can drag their prey up trees to avoid losing it to other predators. They are also very territorial and mark their territories using urine and claw marks.

Keywords Opinion
Appearance Their unique and stunning spotted coats make them a singular marvel to behold.
Hunting Techniques Leopards are efficient hunters, and their stealth movements often leave one amazed.
Territorial Behaviour This aspect of their behavior is interesting, and it's fascinating to witness how they fiercely protect these territories.

The Giraffe

Giraffes are the tallest land animals in the world. They have long necks, which can be up to six feet long, and they use them to reach high branches for food. Giraffes have distinctive patchy coats similar to leopards but with much larger patches. They are herbivores and eat leaves from trees, bushes, and shrubs. Also, they do not require much water to survive because they have extremely efficient kidneys. Giraffes are social animals and live in groups called towers.

Keywords Opinion
Physical Features Giraffes' height and long necks make them some of the most unique animals found in Africa.
Feeding Habits These gentle giants' feeding habits are marvelous, and it's amazing how they adapt to feed on the treetops.
Social Living Their social nature is captivating and adds a touch of tenderness to these already gentle creatures.


In conclusion, African animals are some of the most diverse and fascinating creatures in the world. Each animal has unique features that set it apart from others. From the size and power of the elephant to the stealth of leopards, to the impressive height of the giraffe and formidable hunting skills of lions, there is something to appreciate about all these animals. The table comparison and opinions about each keyword show how we perceive these animals as individuals or groups. It's crucial to protect these animals from extinction so that future generations can enjoy their presence and learn from their characteristics.

Tips and Tricks for Solving African Animal Crossword Clues

Crossword puzzles are a great way to improve your vocabulary, memory and mental flexibility. Although they can be challenging, solving crossword puzzles can be a very satisfying experience. One of the commonly used themes in crossword puzzles is the names of African animals. For those not familiar with African wildlife, these clues can sometimes be challenging to solve.

Learning About African Animals

The first step in solving African animal crossword clues is to learn more about the animals themselves. Africa is home to an amazing diversity of wildlife, and knowing about their habits, habitats, and physical characteristics can go a long way in revealing the solution to animal-related clues. Some popular African animals include lions, elephants, giraffes, and zebras.

Looking for Clue Patterns

One tip for solving African animal crossword clues is to look for patterns in the surrounding clues. If the clue you are trying to solve has four letters, and the downward clue crossing it has three, you can anticipate that the last letter should be a vowel. This will help you narrow down your options when filling in the letters.

Using Common and Non-Common Synonyms

Another tip for solving African animal crossword clues is to use both common and non-common synonyms. While using more common synonyms might get you closer to the answer, some less commonly used words can be more relevant or descriptive. For example, instead of looking for big cat” you can search for feline predator. It’s good practice to try out different synonyms so that you increase your chances of solving the clue.

Explore Different Clues

African animal crossword clues come in many different types such as direct questions or quotes from a book or film, puns, anagrams, or even foreign language phrases. Some clues may even be visual, utilizing a picture hint to help solve the clue. Being familiar with the different types of clues can give you an advantage when solving African animal-related puzzles.

Research Africa

Another great way to get better at solving African animal crosswords is by doing research on African wildlife. There are plenty of books, websites, and documentaries that cover all aspects of African geography, history, and wildlife. This additional knowledge can give you more context for clues that might otherwise be difficult or confusing.

Try Different Puzzle Styles

Crossword puzzles come in different styles including American-style, British-style, cryptic, quick, and themed. Each style has its own unique set of rules, patterns, and conventions. Trying out different styles can challenge your brain and improve your crossword-solving skills.

Use Word Lists

Word lists can be a useful tool when solving African animal-related crossword puzzles. You can find comprehensive lists of African animal names online or in animal life guidebooks. Having a list handy can help you take up clues you might otherwise skip.

Team Up with a Friend

Solving crossword puzzles with a friend can make it more fun and less daunting. Brainstorming and collaborating with someone else can give you fresh perspectives on solving clues.

Take Your Time

Lastly, it’s important to remember to take your time when solving African animal crossword clues. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t know the answer right away. Take breaks, come back to the puzzle later and approach it with a fresh perspective.


Solving African animal crossword clues is an exciting challenge that can provide cognitive benefits and learning about Africa's incredible wildlife. The tips and tricks outlined above can help you become a better crossword puzzle solver and increase your enjoyment of solving clues related to African animals. Overall, persistence and patience are key, so keep practicing and continue to challenge your brain.

African Animal - Crossword Clue

Africa is a continent that holds a plethora of fascinating and unique animals. From the majestic Lion to the mighty Elephant, African animals have long captivated the hearts of people worldwide. Many of these creatures are featured in popular crossword puzzles, often adding to the challenge and excitement of the game.

One animal that commonly appears is the Zebra. Zebra's distinctive black-and-white stripes make them easy to spot in a puzzle, making them an enjoyable addition to the game. They are known for their endurance and strength, making them a symbol of resilience and tenacity. In addition, zebras are social animals, often seen in herds, making them a great clue for a puzzle related to groups or communities.

The Giraffe is another notable African animal that often appears in crosswords. Its impressive height and unique appearance make it a memorable and intriguing clue. These animals are known for their long necks, which allow them to reach high branches and leaves, as well as their distinctive spotted coats. They are also remarkably strong, despite their slender build. In crossword puzzles, Giraffes can be used to represent anything from height to elegance or grace.

The King of the Jungle - the Lion - is, without doubt, one of the most iconic and recognizable African animals. Lions are known for their majestic manes, powerful roars, and undisputed dominance over their territory. In a crossword, the Lion could be used to suggest leadership, strength, or courage. Similarly, the Cheetah - the fastest land animal on earth - stands out for its incredible speed and agility, making it a great puzzle clue for anything related to quickness or swiftness.

In terms of birds, the Ostrich is another beloved African animal that often graces the pages of crossword puzzles. Ostriches are known for their size - they are the largest living birds - and impressive speed, which makes them a great clue for anything related to speed or size. They also have distinctive feathers, which can be used in a puzzle to suggest something colorful or decorative.

Elephants are another beloved African animal that often makes appearances in crossword puzzles. These gentle giants are the biggest land animals on earth and are known for their intelligence, strong memory, and impressive physical strength. Elephants can be used as a clue for anything from longevity to reliability or resilience.

Other fascinating African animals that might appear as clues in crossword puzzles include the Hippopotamus, known for its size and power; the Hyena, known for its eerie laughter and scavenging abilities; and the Warthog, known for its distinctive tusks and fierce demeanor.

Whether you are a crossword enthusiast or simply enjoy learning about African animals, it's clear that these unique creatures are an essential part of puzzles and an important part of our world. Next time you encounter one of these animals in a crossword, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and wonder of Africa's diverse wildlife.

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About African Animal - Crossword Clue

What are some common African animals?

There are a variety of African animals, both big and small. Here are some common ones:

  • Lion
  • Elephant
  • Giraffe
  • Zebra
  • Hippo
  • Cheetah
  • Rhino
  • Warthog
  • Leopard
  • Hyena

What is the largest animal in Africa?

The largest animal in Africa is the African elephant. Adult males can weigh up to 14,000 pounds.

What is the fastest animal in Africa?

The cheetah is the fastest animal in Africa, capable of running up to speeds of 70 mph.

What is the most dangerous animal in Africa?

The most dangerous animal in Africa is often considered to be the hippopotamus. While they may seem docile, hippos are known for being incredibly aggressive and territorial, with the ability to bite a human in half.

What animals live in the African savanna?

Most of the common African animals live in the savanna, including:

  • Lion
  • Elephant
  • Giraffe
  • Zebra
  • Hippo
  • Cheetah
  • Rhino
  • Warthog
  • Leopard
  • Hyena

What is the difference between an African elephant and an Indian elephant?

African elephants are larger than Indian elephants and have a longer trunk with two finger-like structures at the tip, while Indian elephants only have one finger-like structure. African elephants also have larger ears that resemble the shape of the African continent, while Indian elephants have smaller, more rounded ears.

What kind of monkeys live in Africa?

There are many different species of monkeys that live in Africa, including:

  • Baboons
  • Chimpanzees
  • Gorillas
  • Colobus monkeys
  • Green monkeys
  • Vervet monkeys
  • Red-tailed monkeys