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Fatal Tragedy at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure - Shocking Death of Visitor Shocks Community

Fatal Tragedy at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure - Shocking Death of Visitor Shocks Community

It was supposed to be an exciting adventure but turned out to be a fatal trip for one family. The Hidden Valley Animal Adventure in Varysburg, New York was the site of a tragic death on July 1, 2021. A three-year-old boy fell off a two-story giraffe exhibit and died due to severe injuries. This unfortunate incident has raised questions about the park's safety measures and responsibility towards its visitors.

So, what exactly happened at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure that led to this dreadful event?

According to reports, the family was on a safari tour bus as part of the park's drive-through exhibit tour. While passing through the giraffe exhibit, they stopped at a feeding platform. The little boy and his mother were standing near the railings when he somehow slipped and fell into the enclosure.

The giraffe exhibit is raised two stories off the ground, and large fences surround it, making it nearly impossible for visitors to fall in accidentally. Therefore, the question arises – did the park fail to provide adequate safety measures for its visitors?

Julie Kemper, an attorney representing the family, says that there were no warning signs or disclaimer stating the risk of injury or danger for visitors in the area. This raises doubts about whether the park provided visitors with adequate information before entering the area.

Moreover, some have also pointed out that the safari tour bus driver could have prevented the tragedy by keeping visitors away from the platform altogether.

However, this is not the first time Hidden Valley Animal Adventure has faced criticism over visitor safety. In 2019, the park was fined $3,000 for safety violations following an accident involving a safari tour vehicle. This speaks volumes about the park's track record and highlights the need for stricter safety measures.

Hidden Valley Animal Adventure has expressed its condolences to the family and launched an investigation into the incident. However, no official statements about the park's responsibility have been made so far.

In light of this tragedy, it is crucial to question the safety measures at other animal parks and attractions worldwide. Many zoos and theme parks have had their fair share of accidents and incidents in the past, which leads us to ponder – how safe are these tourist attractions?

As visitors, it is essential to be vigilant and aware of potential dangers when visiting such places. Therefore, we must demand transparency and clarity from park authorities and inquire about the safety measures implemented to avoid any mishaps.

This heartbreaking event at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure is a grim reminder that even seemingly harmless activities can turn dangerous in the blink of an eye. We must prioritize safety when it comes to ourselves and our loved ones while enjoying the thrill of these parks.

Perhaps, this tragic incident will lead to stricter regulations and protocols for animal parks and amusement parks worldwide, ensuring the safety and well-being of visitors at all times.

Let's hope that the Hidden Valley Animal Adventure Death serves as a wake-up call for the industry to prioritize visitor safety and prevent such tragic events from happening in the future.

Hidden Valley Animal Adventure Death
"Hidden Valley Animal Adventure Death" ~ bbaz

Last summer, a tragic incident occurred at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure in Varysburg, New York. A 2-year-old girl fell into a giraffe enclosure and was killed by the animal. This heartbreaking event left many asking questions about safety protocols and the responsibility of the park.

The Details of the Incident

On July 28th, 2019, visitors at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure were enjoying their day with the animals when something went terribly wrong. The 2-year-old girl had wandered away from her parents and somehow made her way into the giraffe enclosure. Witnesses say that the giraffe began to act aggressively towards the child, ultimately leading to her death.

After the incident, first responders were called to the scene and attempted to revive the little girl. Unfortunately, their attempts were unsuccessful. The tragedy shocked everyone who witnessed it, and shook the community as a whole.

Questions of Responsibility

Families who visited Hidden Valley Animal Adventure in the past had shared positive feedback on the overall experience. However, after the fatal incident, questions of safety protocol began to arise.

Naturally, many people wondered how a child could have gotten into the enclosure in the first place. What were the security protocols in place to prevent such an occurrence from happening?

Furthermore, some wondered if the park should be held responsible for the young girl's death. Was there enough signage and protective measures in place to ensure that visitors were aware of the dangers?

The Park's Response

In the aftermath of the tragedy, Hidden Valley Animal Adventure released a solemn statement on their Facebook page:

We are deeply saddened to report that this afternoon there was a tragic accident at the park which resulted in the death of a young child. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time.

Our staff followed our emergency protocols immediately and police and emergency medical personnel were on site within minutes. Tragically, the young child has passed away as a result of her injuries.

The park remained closed for several days following the incident to further investigate the circumstances of the tragedy and review their safety protocols.

The Aftermath

Months later, the community is still grieving the loss of the young girl. Hidden Valley Animal Adventure has since been in contact with the girl's family to express their condolences.

In terms of legal action, the family has not made any public statements about filing a lawsuit against the park. It remains unclear whether or not any changes have been made to the park's security measures since the incident.

Learning from Tragedy

While it's easy to point fingers and assign blame, it's important to remember that no amount of preventative measures can guarantee 100% safety. However, it's crucial for parks like Hidden Valley Animal Adventure to take responsibility for their role in ensuring the safety of their visitors.

The incident is a reminder to all parks to re-evaluate their safety protocols and ensure that no stone is left unturned in terms of visitor safety. Tragedies like this are preventable, and it is up to park staff to do everything in their power to protect their guests.

Moving Forward

The Hidden Valley Animal Adventure death is a tragedy that will not soon be forgotten. It is a stark reminder of the importance of safety protocols and the responsibility that organizations have towards their visitors.

It is my hope that parks around the world will learn from this tragedy and take extra precautions to keep their visitors safe. The young girl who lost her life at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure will never be forgotten, and we owe it to her memory to do better.

Hidden Valley Animal Adventure Death – A Comparison

The Incidents

Hidden Valley Animal Adventure is a unique tourist attraction located in Varysburg, New York, where visitors can take a ride on an open-air safari-style tour bus through 60 acres of land filled with exotic animals. However, the park has had its share of tragedies, specifically two fatal incidents involving the animals that have left visitors dead.

The first incident occurred in 2013, when a 28-year-old woman named Rosa King was killed by a tiger at the park in the UK. She worked at the park and had been entering the tiger's enclosure when she was attacked. The second incident happened more recently, on June 2, 2021, when a 32-year-old man named Vinny Musumeci was killed by a bison at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure in New York.

The Animals Involved

In both cases, the animal responsible for the death was a large, powerful creature that should not have been approached. Tigers are apex predators that are known for their strength and agility, while bison are massive and unpredictable herbivores.

Tigers are known to be temperamental and dangerous. While it's possible to develop a rapport with them, they remain wild animals with instincts that can be triggered by unexpected actions or movements. Similarly, bison can be aggressive and territorial, particularly during their mating season, and can charge with little warning.

Precautions Taken by the Park

Following the 2013 incident, the park in the UK made changes to its safety protocols. It significantly upgraded its safety procedures, including adding safety checks and double-door entry systems to the animal enclosures. The park also ceased all interaction between staff and tigers.

It's not yet clear what changes, if any, will be made by Hidden Valley Animal Adventure following the 2021 incident. However, the park has stated that it is investigating the circumstances surrounding the man's death to ensure that all appropriate safety protocols were in place.

Safety Regulations for Attractions with Exotic Animals

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), attractions with exotic animals must adhere to a specific set of safety regulations, including conducting regular risk assessments and providing appropriate training to staff.

In addition, OSHA recommends that workers should maintain a safe distance from dangerous animals, secure enclosures, and provide appropriate barriers and warning signs for visitors. Failure to comply with such regulations can result in serious liability claims and loss of reputation for the establishment.

The Role of Visitors in Animal Parks

It's also worth noting that visitors have a significant role to play in preventing accidents in animal parks. These include respecting the rules and guidelines established by the park, such as staying within designated areas, not feeding or touching the animals, and keeping a safe distance from the animals.

It's not uncommon for visitors to disregard the rules, attempting to get closer to the animals or taking selfies even if it means risking their safety. This poses a serious threat not only to the individual but also to other visitors and staff members who may be affected by their actions.

The Impact on Animal Parks and Tourism Industry

When tragic incidents like these happen, it can have a ripple effect throughout the animal park and tourism industries. Visitors may become hesitant to visit parks that house exotic animals, and lawsuits and negative press can damage the reputation and financial stability of the establishments.

Moreover, animal rights activists often seek to abolish or limit the use of animals in captivity. While this can be a positive outcome for animal welfare, it can also have significant financial implications for parks or zoos that rely on tourism to sustain themselves.


In conclusion, the deaths at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure in New York and in the UK are tragic reminders of the dangers of interacting with exotic animals. Animal parks and establishments must adhere to strict safety regulations and protocols to prevent such incidents from occurring again. Visitors must also play their part by respecting the rules and guidelines established by the park and not taking unnecessary risks. Ultimately, preserving the safety of both animals and humans should remain a top priority for all parties involved.

Tips and Recommendations to Avoid Misadventures at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure


Hidden Valley Animal Adventure is a popular attraction in Varysburg, New York that boasts exotic wildlife, thrilling safari rides, and exciting experiences. However, as exciting as it may sound, it is important to exercise caution and good judgment while exploring the park, as some incidents have occurred leading to fatalities.

Research Beforehand

Before planning to visit Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, make sure to research the park's activities, rules, and animal safety guidelines. Understanding the park's regulations could help avoid any issues. The park has a website as well as various social media accounts that provide a plethora of information.

Respect the Wildlife

While experiencing safari tours around the park, visitors should be reminded that the animals they're seeing are, in fact, untamed species. Therefore, it is vital to respect their boundaries by keeping a safe distance and refraining from feeding them, touching them, teasing them, or making sudden movements that might scare or provoke them.

Follow the Guides' Instructions

During the safari ride or special presentations at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, visitors should always follow the instructions of the tour guides. These guides have appropriate knowledge of the park and can assist customers if they require assistance or if any situation arises.

Wear Appropriate Attire

Visitors should dress accordingly for the day trip at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure. One must adhere to wearing comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for carrying around for the day.

Stay Alert and Vigilant

It is one of the tips that is often overlooked, not just at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, but in many other places too. Visitors should stay alert and keep an eye on their surroundings. Look out for warning signs, animal behavior, or anything suspicious that could lead to accidents.

Careful Driving

While guests are given the opportunity to drive their vehicles in the park, it is crucial to maintain safety and take necessary precautions while driving through the terrain. Speeding is not recommended since the paths can be bumpy, and the terrain can be challenging. One should always follow the speed limits set by the park's management.

Stay Hydrated and Well-fed

As much as people come to explore, have fun with the animals, and take in the surrounding environment, one must not forget about staying hydrated and well-fed. Both of these elements are essential to keep a visitor going for the day-long trip and avoiding any unwanted incidents.

Reporting Incidents

Visitors should be informed about reporting incidents that occur within the park. If a visitor encounters any wildlife threatening situations, injuries, or accidents not only should they seek medical help, but they should also report the incident to park officials immediately.


In summary, Hidden Valley Animal Adventure provides a wonderful, educational experience. But, safety must always be a priority, whether it's interacting with animals, exploring the surroundings, or driving around the park. Everyone should take necessary measures to ensure they have a safe and enjoyable time at the attraction. So, while visiting Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, let's be alert, cautious, and respectful towards the wildlife, and others sharing the space.

The Tragic Death at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure: A Cautionary Tale

Hidden Valley Animal Adventure is a wildlife park situated in Varysburg, New York. It is a place where visitors can experience the thrill of coming up close and personal with different kinds of animals. The park has long been a popular destination for local and international tourists looking for a fun and unique outdoor adventure. However, the joyous atmosphere was disrupted by a tragic accident that occurred on August 15, 2021, resulting in the death of one of its employees.

The incident involved a long-time worker named Eric Mogensen, who was attacked by a bison while he was clearing debris from a pen where the animal resided. Reports say that Mogensen was alone in the enclosure when the bison suddenly charged at him, knocking him down and inflicting severe injuries. Despite the prompt response from rescue personnel, they were not able to revive Mogensen. He was pronounced dead on the scene.

The news of Mogensen's death immediately went viral, sparking various reactions from the public. Many expressed their shock and sadness, sending their condolences to his family and friends. Some also called for a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the accident, while others raised concerns about the safety measures and protocols implemented in the park.

As someone who frequents wildlife parks and zoos, I cannot help but feel deeply affected by the tragedy that happened at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure. While it is true that accidents can happen anywhere, the loss of a human life is always a cause for reflection and introspection. In this article, I would like to address some of the important issues surrounding Mogensen's death and offer my insights on how we can prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future.

First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that wild animals, no matter how familiar they are with humans, are still unpredictable and potentially dangerous. While places like Hidden Valley Animal Adventure strive to provide a safe environment for both visitors and animals, there will always be risks involved in working closely with these creatures. Bison, in particular, are known for their massive size, muscular strength, and aggressive behavior, especially when they feel threatened or provoked.

Secondly, it is important to emphasize the importance of proper training and supervision for employees who interact with animals regularly. In Mogensen's case, it is unclear whether he had undergone sufficient training and education regarding bison behavior and safety protocols. It is also unclear whether there was someone else supervising him during his task or if he had followed all the necessary precautions. Such details may be revealed in the investigation that will ensue, but regardless of the outcome, it highlights the need for strict guidelines and enforcement measures to ensure the well-being of both the animals and the workers.

Moreover, it is essential to address the issue of accountability on the part of the park management. As a business that deals with live animals and human visitors, Hidden Valley Animal Adventure has a responsibility to maintain the highest standards of safety and security. This includes regular maintenance and inspection of the enclosures, equipment, and facilities, as well as providing adequate measures to respond to emergencies promptly. If any lapses are found in the park's safety protocols, it is only fitting that responsible parties are held accountable and subjected to appropriate sanctions or penalties.

Furthermore, this incident should serve as a wake-up call for the entire zoo and wildlife industry to revisit and re-evaluate their current practices and procedures. Accidents involving animal attacks on humans are not uncommon, and while we can never entirely eliminate the risks, we can minimize them through constant review and improvement of our methods. This includes investing in the latest technology and research, employing experts in animal behavior and welfare, and collaborating with regulatory agencies to establish more stringent standards for animal parks.

In conclusion, the loss of Eric Mogensen is a tragedy that should not be taken lightly. It provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with other living beings and how we can make it better and safer for all parties involved. As visitors to wildlife parks and zoos, we have a responsibility to educate ourselves on the risks and benefits of interacting with animals and to respect their boundaries at all times. As management and employees of such facilities, we have a responsibility to ensure the highest standards of animal care and human safety and to be accountable for any lapses or negligence that may result in harm.

To the visitors of Hidden Valley Animal Adventure, I urge you to continue supporting this wildlife park and its efforts to provide unique and educational experiences while also maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment. To the family and friends of Eric Mogensen, my deepest condolences go out to you during this difficult time. May his memory be a reminder of the importance of valuing and protecting all forms of life.

People Also Ask About Hidden Valley Animal Adventure Death

What is Hidden Valley Animal Adventure?

Hidden Valley Animal Adventure is a safari park located in Varysburg, New York. Visitors can enjoy a guided tour through the park to encounter a variety of exotic animals from around the world, including giraffes, zebras, and camels.

Has there been a death at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure?

Yes, there have been reports of a death at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure.

What happened at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure?

In August 2021, a woman was fatally injured by a bison while she was walking through an enclosed area at Hidden Valley Animal Adventure.

What safety precautions does Hidden Valley Animal Adventure take?

Hidden Valley Animal Adventure takes safety very seriously and has several measures in place to ensure the safety of visitors and animals. These include:

  • Enclosed areas for dangerous animals
  • Signs warning visitors not to leave their vehicles or enter animal enclosures
  • Trained guides to lead visitors through the park
  • Regular safety inspections and emergency preparedness plans

Is it safe to visit Hidden Valley Animal Adventure?

While the park takes safety precautions to minimize risks, there are always inherent dangers when dealing with wild animals. Visitors should follow all safety guidelines and stay within designated areas. It is ultimately up to visitors to decide if they feel comfortable visiting the park.