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Find the Elusive Animal That Hisses with our Crossword Clue Guide

Find the Elusive Animal That Hisses with our Crossword Clue Guide

Are you stuck with a crossword clue that asks for an animal that hisses? Maybe you've already filled in the blanks with S-N-A-K-E, but it doesn't quite fit with the other letters you've guessed. Well, fear not, because there are actually several animals that hiss!

First, let's take a step back and think about why animals hiss in the first place. Hissing is typically a defensive tactic, used to intimidate predators or potential threats. Some animals also hiss as a form of communication with their own species.

One common animal that hisses is the cat. If you've ever accidentally stepped on a cat's tail or disturbed it while it's sleeping, you've probably heard its distinct hissing sound. But cats aren't the only domestic animals that hiss - guinea pigs, rats, and even some birds have been known to hiss as well.

But when we're talking about a crossword clue, we're probably looking for a more exotic animal that hisses. One such animal is the gecko. These small lizards are known for their unique vocalizations, which include various hissing and chirping sounds.

Another reptile that hisses is the Komodo dragon. These massive lizards can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh over 300 pounds. Their powerful jaws and venomous saliva make them one of the deadliest predators in their native Indonesia. But if you encounter one in a crossword puzzle, the answer is simply K-O-M-O-D-O.

Okay, so maybe you've already gotten the K-O-M-O-D-O part, but you're still unsure about the other letters in the puzzle. Here's a hint: the animal we're looking for is often associated with Halloween. That's right, it's the bat!

Not all bats hiss, but some species use hissing as a warning sign when they feel threatened. These nocturnal creatures are often misunderstood and feared, but they play an important role in their ecosystems by pollinating flowers and spreading seeds.

And speaking of misunderstood animals, let's not forget about snakes. While some people may find them scary or creepy, snakes are fascinating creatures with unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in a variety of habitats. And yes, many species of snakes hiss as a defensive mechanism.

So there you have it - several animals that hiss, including cats, geckos, Komodo dragons, bats, and snakes. Hopefully this article has helped you solve your crossword puzzle and maybe even taught you something new about these incredible creatures.

Remember, the next time you encounter an animal that hisses, don't be afraid - just appreciate it for the fascinating and complex creature that it is.

Animal That Hisses Crossword Clue
"Animal That Hisses Crossword Clue" ~ bbaz


Have you ever come across a crossword puzzle with the clue 'Animal That Hisses'? If yes, then you know just how difficult it can be to solve it. However, don't give up just yet because we are about to break down everything you need to know about this tricky crossword clue.

What is a Crossword Puzzle?

A crossword puzzle is a game that involves solving clues that lead to words fitting into given spaces, both horizontally and vertically, in a square or rectangular grid. These puzzles are typically published in newspapers, magazines, and other publications.

The Difficulty of Crossword Puzzles

Some crossword puzzles can be quite challenging, especially if you're new to it. Without the right skills or experience, you may find it hard to get past simple clues, let alone tough ones like 'Animal That Hisses'.

How to Solve Crossword Puzzles

The key to solving crossword puzzles is to work on your vocabulary and your ability to think critically. Ensure that you have a good dictionary to look up unfamiliar words, and practice working on small crossword puzzles to hone your skills before tackling bigger ones.

What is an Animal That Hisses?

An animal that hisses is any creature that produces a prolonged, low-pitched noise by exhaling through the mouth. Snakes are a common example of animals that hiss, but other reptiles such as lizards, turtles, and crocodiles may also hiss. Some birds such as cockatiels and parrots may also hiss as an indication of feeling threatened.

Crossword Clue Examples:

Other examples of crossword clues that may require you to identify animals that hiss include:

  • Snake sound (4)
  • Reptile's warning sound (6)
  • Hissing creature (9)

Strategies to Solve 'Animal That Hisses' Crossword Clue

When trying to solve the crossword clue 'Animal That Hisses', there are various strategies you can use. Here are some of them:

  • Check the Number of Letters: The number of letters in the clue often give a hint as to how many letters the answer should have.
  • Look at the Context of the Clue: The context of the clue may give you a hint as to the type of animal that hisses. In this case, 'Animal That Hisses' obviously points towards a reptile or bird rather than a mammal.
  • Use Crosswords Tools: There are numerous crossword tools available such as online dictionaries and reference materials that can help you solve the 'Animal That Hisses' crossword clue.


Crossword puzzles can be fun and challenging, but it's important to have the right skills and strategies when attempting to solve them. With some practice and patience, you can learn to solve tricky clues like 'Animal That Hisses' with ease.

Hopefully, this article has given you some helpful tips on how to approach this type of crossword clue. So, next time you encounter it, don't panic; just follow the steps outlined here, and you'll get it right in no time!

Comparison of Animal That Hisses Crossword Clue


The world of animals is vast and fascinating. When it comes to solving crossword puzzles, animal-related clues can be tricky. In this article, we will delve into the animal that hisses crossword clue and take a look at some possible answers.

The Hissing Sound

Hissing is a common sound produced by many animals as a form of defense mechanism. It's a warning sign letting others know that they are not happy or comfortable with the situation. Some animals that hiss include snakes, geckos, iguanas, cats, and even certain birds.


When it comes to hissing, snakes are probably the first animal that comes to mind. The sound is produced by the snake forcing air out of its lungs through a narrow opening in its mouth. Some of the snake species that produce a hissing sound include king cobras, black mambas, and puff adders.


Cats are also known for their hissing behavior. They use it as a form of warning when threatened or angry. The sound is produced by the cat exhaling air through its mouth while keeping its teeth clenched. Domestic cats are the most common felines that hiss.


Geckos are small lizards that are popular as pets. They also produce a hissing sound as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened or cornered. The sound is produced by them forcing air out of their lungs through nostrils that are closed up to create the hissing noise.

The Crossword Clue

In crossword puzzles, the animal that hisses is often used as a clue. One of the possible answers is snake. However, the clue might not always be that straightforward, and other animals that hiss might be the answer. This is where research and knowledge about different animals come in handy.

Comparison Table

Animal Hissing Sound Production Commonness in Crossword Clues
Snake Forcing air out of lungs through mouth Most common
Cat Exhaling air through mouth while keeping teeth clenched Fairly common
Gecko Forcing air out of lungs through nostrils with closed openings Rare
Iguana Forcing air out of lungs through mouth while puffing up the body Rare


In conclusion, the animal that hisses crossword clue can be challenging or straightforward, depending on the puzzle's complexity. Snakes are the most common answer, but cats and geckos also hiss. When attempting to solve such a crossword clue, it's important to consider multiple options and scan your mind for any other animals that produce the sound. Nevertheless, this serves as an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge of the animal kingdom and their unique behaviors.

Tips for Solving the Animal that Hisses Crossword Clue


Solving crossword puzzles is a rewarding and challenging activity that many people love. The clues in the crossword puzzle are often clever and cryptic, making it exciting to finally figure out the answer. Sometimes, however, there are clues that seem impossible to solve, such as Animal that hisses. This clue might leave you scratching your head and wondering what the answer could be. In this article, we will provide you with some tips and tricks for solving the animal that hisses crossword clue.

Understanding the Clue

Before we can start looking for the answer, we need to understand the clue. The clue Animal that hisses tells us that we are looking for a creature that makes a hissing sound. This sound is often used by animals as a warning sign or as a way to defend themselves from predators. Knowing this information will help us narrow down our search for the answer.

Brainstorming Possible Answers

Now that we understand the clue, we can start brainstorming possible answers. Some animals that come to mind when thinking of creatures that hiss include snakes, cats, and geese. These are just a few examples, and there could be many other animals that fit the description. It's important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities.

Using Crossword Solver Tools

If you're still stumped, it might be helpful to use crossword solver tools. These tools can quickly generate possible answers based on the length of the word and any letters you already know. There are many online resources you can use, such as Crossword Solver or OneAcross.

Checking for Synonyms

Another helpful tip is to check for synonyms. The word hiss might have several other words that mean the same thing. Some examples of synonyms for hiss include sibilate, whistle, and purr. By broadening our search to include these synonyms, we might be able to find new animals that fit the description.

Narrowing Down the Search

Once we've generated a list of possible answers, we can start narrowing down our search. We can look at the length of the word and see which animals match. For example, if the answer is three letters long, we can eliminate any animals that are longer. We can also look at any letters we already know and see which animals fit those letters.

Checking Cross-Referenced Clues

Sometimes, one clue in the crossword puzzle can help us solve another clue. For example, if we have a clue that says type of snake, we can cross-reference that with the animal that hisses clue. We might be able to eliminate other animals and focus specifically on types of snakes that hiss.

Taking a Break

If you're feeling frustrated, it might be helpful to take a break from the puzzle. Sometimes, stepping away from a problem can help us see it in a new light. When you come back to the puzzle, you might be able to solve the animal that hisses crossword clue with fresh eyes.

Using Context Clues

Context clues can also be helpful when trying to solve the animal that hisses crossword clue. The surrounding clues might give us more information about the answer. For example, if the clue before or after the animal that hisses clue mentions water, we might be able to narrow down our search to animals that live near water, such as frogs or alligators.

Asking for Help

If all else fails, don't be afraid to ask for help. You can ask a friend or family member who is good at crossword puzzles, or you can look up the answer online. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy the challenge of solving the animal that hisses clue.


In conclusion, solving the animal that hisses crossword clue can be a challenging but rewarding task. By understanding the clue, brainstorming possible answers, using solver tools, checking for synonyms, narrowing down the search, using context clues, and taking breaks, you can increase your chances of finding the answer. Don't be afraid to ask for help if needed, and most importantly, have fun!

The Search for the Animal That Hisses: A Crossword Puzzle Clue

Are you a fan of crossword puzzles? If so, then you might have come across a clue that reads Animal That Hisses or something similar. Depending on the length of the puzzle and the specific letters that are already filled in, this clue could be referring to a number of different animals. So, which animal is it? Let's explore some possibilities.

First, we have the obvious candidate: the snake. Many species of snakes are known for their distinctive hissing sound, which they produce by forcing air through their narrow tracheas. Some types of snakes that commonly hiss include rattlesnakes, cobras, and vipers. However, one potential issue with guessing snake as the answer to this crossword clue is that it is quite a broad category. It may not fit with any other letters that are already filled in.

Another animal that often comes to mind when thinking of creatures that hiss is the cat. Cats will sometimes hiss as a warning signal, often in response to a perceived threat or aggression from another animal or human. This is usually accompanied by an arched back, puffed-up fur, and vocalizations such as growling or meowing. However, like with snakes, there may be other factors that make cat an unlikely answer given the available crossword clues.

Other species of animals that are known to hiss include birds, particularly parakeets and cockatiels. These pets often hiss when they feel threatened or anxious, much like cats. Additionally, some insects such as beetles are also capable of producing a hissing sound by rubbing their legs together or making other body movements. However, it's worth mentioning that beetles might be less likely to appear in crossword puzzles than more common animals like cats and snakes.

So, with all of these possibilities in mind, what is the answer to the Animal That Hisses crossword clue? Unfortunately, it's difficult to say for sure without more context or information about the specific puzzle in question. It could be any of these animals or something else entirely.

Of course, there's always the possibility that the answer to this clue is a bit more obscure or unusual. For example, did you know that some lizards can produce a hissing sound? The Madagascar Giant Day Gecko is one species that is known for its distinctive hiss, which it uses as a warning signal to potential predators. Alternatively, the answer could be a species of snake or other animal that is less well-known or often seen than those mentioned above.

Ultimately, the mystery of the Animal That Hisses crossword clue remains unsolved - unless, of course, you manage to fill in all the other squares and figure it out for yourself! Regardless of whether this particular puzzle frustrates or challenges you, crossword puzzles can be an enjoyable way to stimulate your brain and learn new words and facts. So, keep on puzzling!

We hope that this article has been helpful in shedding some light on the many species of animals that are capable of producing hissing sounds. From snakes to cats to birds and beyond, there are plenty of creatures out there that can make this distinctive noise for a variety of reasons. Next time you encounter a hissing animal, you'll have plenty of knowledge to draw upon!

If you have any other insights or suggestions for solving the Animal That Hisses crossword clue, please feel free to share them in the comments below. Who knows - maybe your contribution will help somebody else solve the puzzle!

Thanks for reading, and happy puzzling!

People also ask about Animal That Hisses Crossword Clue

What animal hisses when angry or threatened?

There are various animals that hiss when they feel threatened or angry. Some of the most common are:

  • Snakes - Many types of snakes hiss as a warning sign before attacking.
  • Cats - Domestic cats hiss when they feel cornered, threatened, or scared.
  • Geckos - These lizards hiss as a way to intimidate and defend themselves.

What is a five-letter word for an animal that hisses?

The most likely answer is snake since snakes are notorious for hissing. However, it's always best to make sure the other letters fit before filling in the answer.

What could be a six-letter word for a hissing animal?

The answer could be hognose. The Western Hognose Snake is often referred to as a hissing snake because of the sound it makes when it feels threatened.

Are there any other options for animal that hisses crossword clue?

Yes, there are some alternatives to consider:

  1. Hedgehog - Although hedgehogs are not generally known for hissing, they can make a hissing noise if they feel threatened or uncomfortable.
  2. Possum - Possums may hiss when they are scared or want to caution predators.
  3. Raccoon - The raccoon sometimes hisses when feeling threatened or intimidated.

What is a seven-letter word for a hissing creature?

Serpent is a seven-letter word that could fit the description of a hissing creature. However, it's always best to check the crossword's clues to make sure the answer fits.