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Explore the Wild with Far Cry 3 Animal Map - Find Rare Species and Plan Your Hunts!

Explore the Wild with Far Cry 3 Animal Map - Find Rare Species and Plan Your Hunts!

Are you tired of wandering aimlessly in Far Cry 3, constantly on the lookout for animals to kill and skin? Do you find yourself wasting precious time trying to locate specific species? Look no further than the Far Cry 3 Animal Map!

With this map, you’ll never waste time searching for animals again. You can easily see which areas are populated with the wildlife you need for crafting or hunting purposes. The map is color-coded and categorized by the type of animal, making it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.

But why is this animal map so important? For starters, crafting plays a significant role in Far Cry 3 as it provides the protagonist with upgrades such as bigger ammo pouches, rucksacks, and medical syringes. To craft these items, the player must first collect various materials from the game’s environment, including animal hides, bones, and plants. In short, the more effective the map is, the more upgraded and powerful your character will become.

In addition to the practical reasons for using the animal map, it also adds another layer of fun to the game. Hunting and exploring become more exciting when you know you’re heading towards specific wildlife rather than blindly wandering. And let's face it, there’s something satisfying about taking down a giant tiger or leopard with nothing but a bow and arrow.

But there’s a lot more to the animal map than just finding animals. Each animal on the map has its own icon with a little factoid about the particular species written underneath. Did you know that honey badgers are known for their fearlessness and will take on animals much larger than themselves? Or that komodo dragons have saliva teeming with dangerous bacteria that can kill prey over time?

The animal map also adds an element of surprise to the game. While following the map, you may come across rare or exotic animals that you wouldn’t have found otherwise. Seeing a massive bull shark swimming near the shore or a flamboyant bird of paradise perched in a tree is an exhilarating experience.

But wait, there’s more! The animal map also includes the location of hunting challenges and relic rooms. Hunting challenges are mini-games that pit you against waves of animals, testing your skills as a hunter. Relic rooms are hidden locations that contain valuable artifacts, adding another layer of exploration to the game.

Using the Far Cry 3 Animal Map not only makes your gameplay more efficient but also enhances your overall experience. Say goodbye to aimlessly wandering around the island and hello to becoming a skilled hunter and adventurer.

In conclusion, the animal map is an essential tool for any Far Cry 3 player. It provides a way to easily locate the animals you need for crafting, adds an element of fun and surprise to gameplay, and even includes the locations of hunting challenges and relic rooms. So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on the animal map and start exploring!

Far Cry 3 Animal Map
"Far Cry 3 Animal Map" ~ bbaz

The Importance of Far Cry 3's Animal Map

As an open-world action game set in a lush tropical paradise, Far Cry 3 offers players the full experience of being stranded on an island filled with dangerous creatures and treacherous terrain. The game's animal map plays an integral role in helping players navigate and survive this unforgiving environment.

What is the Animal Map?

The animal map is a feature in Far Cry 3 that allows players to see the locations of all the game's animals. This includes everything from deer and goats to tigers and crocodiles. The map also shows which animals are hostile and which are passive, as well as their level of aggression and the type of loot they drop when killed.

Why is it Important?

Knowing where animals are located can be incredibly useful for players looking to upgrade their gear or simply survive in the wilderness. Many of the game's crafting recipes require rare animal hides or other materials, and hunting can be a great source of income for players who need to purchase weapons, ammo, or other supplies. Additionally, certain animals are more dangerous than others; knowing their locations and behaviors can help players avoid unnecessary confrontations or prepare themselves for a fight.

Perhaps most importantly, the animal map fosters a sense of immersion and realism in Far Cry 3's world. By modeling the behavior and locations of real animals, the game creates a sense of verisimilitude that adds depth and dimension to the player's experience.

How to Use the Animal Map

Using the animal map is simple: just open your map and toggle the animal layer. This will reveal a series of icons representing the various animals in the game, as well as any relevant information like their aggression level or loot drop. From here, players can plan their hunting expeditions or avoid areas with particularly dangerous predators.

It's worth noting that the animal map is not static; animals will move around and respawn over time, so it's important to keep revisiting areas you've already explored. Additionally, some animals only appear at certain times of day or during specific weather conditions, so keen observation and exploration are key to success.


The animal map is an essential tool for any Far Cry 3 player looking to survive and thrive in the game's lush and dangerous world. Whether you're hunting for rare materials, trying to avoid confrontations with aggressive beasts, or simply enjoying the game's immersive realism, knowing your way around the island's wildlife is sure to enhance your experience.

So fire up your game and start exploring – the jungle awaits!

Comparison: Far Cry 3 Animal Map


Far Cry 3 is an open-world game that revolves around survival in a jungle island. Players are thrown into the wilderness with limited resources, and they must gather supplies, weapons, and allies to survive. The jungle is teeming with life, and players will encounter a variety of animals as they explore. In this article, we will compare and contrast the animal maps in Far Cry 3 to give players a better understanding of the wildlife they will encounter.

The Basics

The animal map in Far Cry 3 is divided into regions, with different animals spawning in each location. Animals are divided into three categories based on their difficulty: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Easy animals, like chickens and goats, are found in most locations and can be killed with a single shot. Medium animals, like deer and wild boars, require more firepower and are usually more dangerous. Hard animals, like tigers and leopards, are the most challenging and require heavy weaponry to take down.

The Comparison

We will now compare the animal maps in Far Cry 3 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms.


The Xbox 360 version has six regions, while the PlayStation 3 version has seven. The extra region in the PlayStation 3 version is the Japanese Gunboat area, which contains sharks and other aquatic animals.

Animal Types

Both versions have the same animals, but the PlayStation 3 version has a few additional species, such as Komodo dragons and cassowaries.


Some animals are rarer in one version than the other. For example, sharks are easier to find in the PlayStation 3 version, while bears are more prevalent in the Xbox 360 version.

Population Density

The Xbox 360 version has more animals in each region than the PlayStation 3 version. This means that players will encounter more animals on the Xbox 360 platform.


The distribution of animals is slightly different between the two platforms. For example, crocodiles are more likely to spawn near water in the PlayStation 3 version, while they can be found anywhere in the Xbox 360 version.

Opinions and Recommendations

Based on our analysis, we recommend the Xbox 360 version if players want to encounter more animals. However, the PlayStation 3 version offers a few unique species that are not available in the Xbox 360 version. Regardless of which platform players choose, they should be prepared for some challenging encounters with hard animals like tigers and bears.


The animal maps in Far Cry 3 are an important part of the game's survival mechanics. Players must learn the distribution of animals in each region to plan their strategy for scavenging and hunting. We hope this comparison article has given players a better understanding of the animal maps in Far Cry 3 and helps them make an informed decision about which platform to play on.

Exploring the Far Cry 3 Animal Map: Tips and Tricks


Far Cry 3 is an open-world first-person shooter video game that was released in 2012. One of the game's most interesting parts is its vast and diverse animal kingdom, which adds a level of realism and danger to the gameplay. However, navigating through the animal map can be quite tricky and challenging, especially for beginners. In this article, we will provide some essential tips and tricks on how to explore the Far Cry 3 animal map and survive its dangers.

1. Understand The Animal Map

The first step to effectively exploring the Far Cry 3 animal map is understanding its layout. The game's map is filled with different animals and their territories, and each creature has unique traits and behaviors. Some are aggressive and attack on sight, while others are harmless and can be avoided with ease. Knowing the animals' habits and territories can help avoid dangerous situations.

2. Upgrade Your Abilities

Upgrading your abilities is crucial when traversing the animal map. With better abilities, you can run faster, swim longer, and gather resources more efficiently. Hunting animals and collecting plants are excellent ways to earn experience points, which can be used to upgrade your abilities. Higher-level abilities will help you survive in the game's harsh environment.

3. Use Stealth To Your Advantage

Most animals in Far Cry 3 have heightened senses, which makes it difficult to approach them without being detected. Therefore, using stealth is one of the most crucial aspects of surviving in the game's animal map. Crouch down and move slowly, and make sure to avoid stepping on dry leaves that can make noise and alert nearby animals.

4. Hunt And Gather Materials

Hunting animals and gathering plants are essential to survive in Far Cry 3. Animals can be killed for meat and skins, which can be used to craft weapons and gear. Plants, on the other hand, can be used to make healing potions and other useful items. Always keep an eye out for animals and plants while exploring the map.

5. Beware Of Predators

Predators are some of the most dangerous animals in the game's animal map. They are fast, strong, and often attack on sight. Avoid areas known to have predators, and if forced to confront them, use ranged weapons to take them down from a safe distance. Surviving an encounter with a predator is a sure way to improve your abilities and gear.

6. Use Vehicles For Faster Travel

Vehicles are a great way to move quickly around the map and avoid dangerous animal encounters. Though it may sometimes be tempting to speed through the environment, it is important to pay attention to your surroundings as animals can attack vehicles.

7. Know Your Weapons

Knowing your weapons is crucial when traversing the Far Cry 3 animal map. Different weapons have different effects on animals, so knowing what to use is important. For example, arrows can kill animals silently, while explosives can take out multiple foes at once. Keep several weapons on hand, and always make sure to have enough ammunition.

8. Use Lures To Draw Out Animals

Lures can be incredibly effective in drawing out animals from hiding. Small animal lures can attract harmless critters, while larger ones can catch the attention of bigger predators. Be careful when using lures, as they can also attract unwanted attention.

9. Learn From Your Mistakes

When exploring the Far Cry 3 animal map, it's inevitable that you will make mistakes. Whether it's stepping on a noisy twig or getting caught off guard by a predator, learning from your mistakes is essential to improve your gameplay. Take note of the situations that cause you trouble, and figure out ways to avoid them in the future.

10. Have Fun!

Finally, the most important aspect of exploring the Far Cry 3 animal map is to have fun. Despite the dangers, the animal world in Far Cry 3 is incredibly rich and adds a unique element to the game. Enjoy the ride, take in the sights, and let yourself get lost in this beautiful and thrilling environment!


Exploring the Far Cry 3 animal map is a challenging and rewarding experience that will put your survival skills to the test. By following these tips and tricks, you can better navigate through the map, hunt animals and gather resources, and ultimately, survive the dangers of the jungle. With time and practice, you'll become a master of Far Cry 3's wild animal kingdom!

Discover the Far Cry 3 Animal Map and Explore the Wild Side of the Island

If you are a fan of adventure games, chances are you have heard of the critically acclaimed game Far Cry 3. This open-world game takes place on a tropical island that is teeming with wildlife, and players must navigate through the dangerous terrain to survive. One essential tool for survival in this game is the Far Cry 3 animal map. In this article, we will take a closer look at what the animal map is, how it works, and why it is so important for players.

The animal map is a unique feature in Far Cry 3 that helps players keep track of all the different types of wildlife that can be found on the island. By accessing the animal map, players can see the locations of different animals, such as leopards, tigers, and bears. The animal map even shows the specific habitats where these animals can be found, such as forests, grasslands, and hills.

One of the most useful aspects of the animal map is that it not only shows the locations of animals but also whether they are hostile or not. Hostile animals can be dangerous to players, and it is essential to avoid them or take them down before they attack. Knowing which animals are friendly and which ones are hostile can be the difference between life and death in Far Cry 3.

Another important feature of the Far Cry 3 animal map is that it shows the locations of rare and unique animals. These animals are often more challenging to find and may require specific materials or weapons to take down. However, they also provide better rewards, such as rare skins or valuable resources.

The animal map is also a helpful tool for completing side missions and quests. Many of these missions require players to hunt down specific animals or gather certain resources. Without the animal map, it can be challenging to know where to find these items and complete the mission.

Players can access the animal map at any time during gameplay by pressing a designated button on their controller or keyboard. Once the map is open, they can zoom in and out to see more detailed information about each animal. The animal map also allows players to mark locations or create waypoints, making it easier to navigate around the island and avoid getting lost.

It is worth noting that players must unlock different parts of the animal map as they progress through the game. This means that not all animals will be visible from the beginning, and players must explore to uncover new areas and unlock new information.

In addition to the animal map, Far Cry 3 also features a crafting system that allows players to use the skins and other resources they gather to create new weapons and gear. Having access to the animal map makes it easier to hunt down specific animals and gather the materials needed for crafting.

Overall, the Far Cry 3 animal map is an essential tool for surviving and thriving on the dangerous island. It provides valuable information about the locations, habits, and behaviors of the island's wildlife, making it easier for players to navigate the terrain and stay alive. Whether you are a new player or a seasoned veteran, the animal map is well worth exploring.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your controller or keyboard and dive into the exciting world of Far Cry 3. With the help of the animal map, you'll be able to explore every inch of the island and discover all the secrets it has to offer. Happy hunting!

We hope this article has been helpful in understanding the importance of the Far Cry 3 animal map. Keep in mind that the animal map is just one of many tools available to players and that exploration and experimentation are key to success in this game. Whether you are playing for the first time or looking to perfect your skills, we wish you the best of luck on your adventure.

Thanks for reading!

FAQs about Far Cry 3 Animal Map

What is the Animal Map in Far Cry 3?

The Animal Map is a feature in Far Cry 3 that displays the locations of various animals in the game. This map can be helpful for players who want to hunt or avoid specific types of animals.

How do I access the Animal Map?

To access the Animal Map, simply open your in-game map and navigate to the Animal Locations tab. From there, you can see the types and locations of animals in that area.

What types of animals are on the Animal Map?

The Animal Map displays a variety of wildlife, including predators like sharks, crocodiles, and tigers, as well as herbivores like deer and wild boars. The map also shows the location of rare or unique animals, such as the albino crocodile or the honey badger.

Can I use the Animal Map to hunt animals for crafting?

Yes, the Animal Map is useful for hunting animals to craft items like wallets, ammo pouches, and syringes. By using the map to locate specific animals, you can efficiently gather the necessary materials to upgrade your equipment and abilities.

Is the Animal Map available in multiplayer mode?

No, the Animal Map is only available in single-player mode. In multiplayer, the map displays only objectives and player locations, not animal locations.