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Uncover the Mystery of Animal Crossing's Tricky Pitfall Seed - Tips and Tricks Revealed!

Uncover the Mystery of Animal Crossing's Tricky Pitfall Seed - Tips and Tricks Revealed!

Have you encountered the tricky pitfalls in Animal Crossing? These pits are part of the game since its early installment. But the latest update has a new twist - The Pitfall Seed.

If you think Animal Crossing is all about fruit picking, interacting with other animals and decorating homes - then you should know more. The Pitfall Seed could make or break your experience in the game.

For starters, what is a Pitfall Seed? Pitfall seeds have been a part of Animal Crossing for several years now. Before, players only needed to dig up specific spots in the ground to uncover them. But with the most recent update, the Pitfall Seed is now more complicated.

When you come across a Pitfall Seed, you'll see it lying on the ground. But it won't work right away. You have to bury it again before it becomes useful.

Think twice before using a Pitfall Seed on your friends' island. One surprising fact many people don't know is that the Pitfall Seed is usable on other players' islands too. It's always entertaining to see your friends fall into pits, but would they feel the same?

You could farm Pitfall Seeds via Balloon Presents. In case you don't have any Pitfall Seeds yet, try popping some balloon presents. The chances of getting one are slim, but it's worth checking every day.

So, you might be wondering why Pitfall Seeds are essential. Well, it's not because of their visual aesthetics. The Pitfall Seed is an essential tool for creating unique designs in your island. A Pitfall Seed could create a mini-biome structure within your island. Think of the possibilities you could do for your island.

A Pitfall Seed also helps to trap unwanted bugs and fish. If you're patient enough, you can use a Pitfall Seed to lure insects like tarantulas and scorpions into the trap. The Pitfall Seed could be a big help in earning bells and Nook Mile points.

One important reminder: A Pitfall Seed only works once. After someone falls into it, the pit disappears, and the item returns to just being a design element. Take advantage of using the Pitfall Seed for a more exciting living in the island experience.

It's not solely about the design features. Using Pitfall Seeds challenges players' skills and patience. We all aim to create a unique island, so why not utilize all gaming tools available? Who knows what masterpiece you'll create next?

In conclusion, using the Pitfall Seed is vital in expanding your experience within Animal Crossing. From its various use - decorating, earning resources or even pranking friends - surely, it will leave you wanting more. Enjoy playing with the Pitfall Seed with your friends or on your own island. You never know the possibilities that await you next.

Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed
"Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed" ~ bbaz


If you’re familiar with the Animal Crossing game franchise, then you must have come across a tricky item, the Pitfall seed. This item has been around since the first release of Animal Crossing in 2001 and has continued to feature in subsequent releases like New Horizons.

What is a Pitfall seed?

A Pitfall seed is an underground item that is buried in a random spot hidden within your game world. When stepped on by an unsuspecting villager, they will be suddenly dropped into a hole. Once a villager falls into this trap, they will be in an inverted state, where their appearance changes, and they will be unable to move from that spot for a brief period.

The Hunt for the elusive seed

Players who want to obtain the elusive pitfall seeds have two options; they can either wait for Gulliver the wandering sailor to gift them one or trade with other players who have extra copies of the item.

Pranking your villagers with the Pitfall seed

The Pitfall seed may seem like a harmless prank, but it can be used for more strategic purposes within the game. For example, players can use the seed to trap difficult-to-catch bugs, such as the Orchid Mantis which flies away when scared or hidden fish varieties like rare tunes. Simply bury the seed in the desired location, and any tree branches that shake or water droplets that emit from the ground indicate that something is hiding there.

How to bury a pitfall seed?

To plant the seed, the player's character must dig a hole using a shovel, then select the Pitfall seed from their inventory and hit the bury option. If done correctly, the seed will instantly become an underground trap.

How to dig up a pitfall seed?

If a player manages to spot the hidden pitfall, they can use a shovel to dig it up. The buried seed will turn into an item that the player can access from their inventory where it can be sold or re-buried in another location.

Using the Pitfall Seed for Villager Friendship Points

The Pitfall seed can also be used as a gift to gain friendship points with villagers. They can accidentally fall into it while having a friendly conversation, which the player can then help them out of, earning brownie points with the villager's parameters.


The Pitfall seed is a quirky and fun item that adds depth to the overall gameplay experience of Animal Crossing. Whether you want to prank your friends, catch hidden specimens, or use it to boost your friendship points, this item is worth having in your inventory.

Comparison: Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed


Animal Crossing is a popular simulation game that offers an immersive experience to its players. One of the most intriguing features of the game is the Tricky Pitfall Seed, which adds an exciting twist to the gameplay. It is a special item that players can use to create pitfalls on their island. In this article, we will compare and contrast the Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed, its pros and cons, and everything else you need to know about this unique item.

What is the Tricky Pitfall Seed in Animal Crossing?

The Tricky Pitfall Seed is a special item that players can use to create pitfalls on their island. When used, it transforms into a pitfall seed that players can bury anywhere on their island. The seed remains hidden until someone triggers it by walking over it. Once triggered, the player falls into a hole and is stuck for a short period.

Keyword - Trickiness

The Tricky Pitfall Seed got its name due to its trickiness. It offers excitement and unpredictability while exploring your island. Players can use it to add a new element of surprise to their gameplay. However, it can also be frustrating when triggered accidentally.

Pros of using the Tricky Pitfall Seed

The Tricky Pitfall Seed has several advantages that make it a desirable item for Animal Crossing players. Some of these pros include:

1. Added Fun

The Tricky Pitfall Seed adds more fun to the game. As players explore their island, they never know when they might be surprised by a hidden pitfall. It makes the game more exciting and unpredictable.

2. Looks like a normal object

Unlike other pitfall traps in the game, the Tricky Pitfall Seed looks like an ordinary seed. Players can easily hide it from unsuspecting visitors, making it more effective in catching people unaware.

3. Easy to obtain

The Tricky Pitfall Seed is not difficult to obtain. Players can purchase it from Tom Nook's store for 1,000 bells, or they can trade it with other players online.

Cons of using the Tricky Pitfall Seed

Like any other item on Animal Crossing, the Tricky Pitfall Seed also has its drawbacks. Some of these cons include:

1. Accidental Triggering

The most significant disadvantage of the Tricky Pitfall Seed is that it can be triggered accidentally. Visitors and other players on your island can unknowingly trigger the seed. This can be frustrating for players who want to use it for strategic purposes.

2. Limited time effect

Once a player falls into the pit, they are only stuck for a short period before climbing out. This can be disappointing for players hoping for a more extended trap effect.

3. Limited Uses

The Tricky Pitfall Seed is also a one-time-use item. Once a player triggers it, the seed disappears, and players must repurchase or trade for a new one.

Comparison Table

Factors Advantages Disadvantages
Trickiness Adds more excitement and unpredictability to the game Can be frustrating when triggered accidentally
Obtaining the Seed Easy to obtain from Tom Nook's store or online trade Once the seed is used, players must repurchase it
Effectiveness Looks like an ordinary seed Trapped players can climb out within a short period

In Conclusion

The Tricky Pitfall Seed is a unique and exciting item that adds more fun to Animal Crossing. It offers both advantages and disadvantages to players, making it a strategic item. Its trickiness and appearance make it appealing but can also be a frustration when accidentally triggered. To enjoy the game more, it is up to players to weigh the pros and cons of using the Tricky Pitfall Seed and use it wisely to their advantage.

Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed: Tips and Tricks for Avoiding Them


If you are a regular player of Animal Crossing, then you must be aware of the tricky pitfalls lurking beneath the grounds. These pitfalls can catch you off-guard and make you fall into deep pits, causing your character to scream out loud in panic. As these pitfalls are often hidden to the naked eye, it is easy to get trapped and lose valuable time in the game.

What Is A Pitfall?

A pitfall is a hole dug up by some mischievous creature that lives underground in the Animal Crossing world. These holes are covered with green foliage and become difficult to spot, making them tricky to avoid. Once you step on a pitfall seed, you will fall into the ground, losing all the items in your pockets except for your tools.

How To Obtain A Pitfall Seed?

You can either buy pitfall seeds from the shop or create them using materials like bamboo shoots, clumps of weeds, and tree branches at a crafting bench. You will need 4 clumps of weeds and 6 tree branches to create one pitfall seed.

Tips And Tricks To Avoid Pitfalls

Now that you know what a pitfall is let's dive into some tips and tricks for avoiding them in Animal Crossing.

Tip 1: Keep Your Eyes On The Ground

The first thing you need to do is train yourself to keep your eyes on the ground. It might sound mundane, but it is an essential skill you need to have while playing Animal Crossing. Always be on the lookout for any suspicious looking green foliage on the ground. If you spot it, make sure to check it out before crossing over it.

Tip 2: Use A Clear Path

Another easy way to avoid pitfalls is by using a clear path or a road whenever possible. In Animal Crossing, the road areas are clean and free of weeds, making them easily distinguishable from the rest of the ground. So, if you need to cross a tricky area, try using the road instead of going off-road.

Tip 3: Keep A Net Handy

When exploring new areas or looking for fossils, keep a net handy. If you accidentally step on a pitfall seed, your character will scream out loud, alarming other nearby players or NPCs. Quickly equip your net and swipe it over the spot where you fell. Doing so will reveal the hole and stop your character's screaming.

Tip 4: Make A Map Of Your Island

Creating a map of the island is a fun activity, but it's also helpful for navigation purposes. You can mark the spots where pitfalls are commonly found and avoid those areas when exploring in the future. Doing so will not only save you time but also protect you from falling into those pesky holes.

Tip 5: Don't Run Around With Full Pockets

Lastly, always make sure to keep your pockets light. When you're running around with full pockets, it becomes challenging to see the ground clearly. You might miss spotting the pitfall seed and fall into the hole. So, keep your pockets light and ease your way through the map.


Avoiding Animal Crossing tricky pitfalls is an essential skill you need to have if you want to thoroughly enjoy the game. Always try to keep your eyes on the ground, use a clear path whenever possible, keep a net handy, create a map of your island, and keep your pockets light. With these tips and tricks, you'll never have to scream out loud in panic when you fall into a pitfall again!

Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed: Tricks and Tips

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been a huge hit since its launch, and for many fans of the series, it's been an opportunity to dive deeper into their love for the franchise. There are plenty of things to do in the game, with one of the most popular activities being crafting and customization. However, one of the biggest challenges that many players face is dealing with tricky pitfalls.

Pitfalls are buried items that, when stepped on, cause the player to fall into a hole. This can be frustrating, especially when you're trying to get something done or trying to traverse the terrain. However, there is a tricky variant of the pitfalls that can pose an even bigger challenge. Fortunately, with some tips and tricks, you can learn how to avoid these pesky traps.

What is a Tricky Pitfall Seed?

A tricky pitfall seed is a hidden item that looks like a sapling when buried. When stepped on, the sapling will break, and the player will fall into a pitfall. What makes the tricky pitfall seed challenging is that it looks identical to a regular sapling, making it difficult to spot until it's too late.

In previous Animal Crossing games, there were no tricks to identifying a tricky pitfall seed—players would simply have to memorize their location or avoid them altogether. However, in New Horizons, there is a way to identify these devious traps. The key is to pay attention to the spacing between the saplings in each row and column. A tricky pitfall seed will always be spaced one unit away from the other saplings in its row or column.

Tricks and Tips to Identify Tricky Pitfall Seeds

Now that you know how to spot tricky pitfall seeds in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it's time to start identifying them and avoiding them altogether.

Look for a gap between saplings

The easiest way to identify a tricky pitfall seed is to look for a gap between the saplings in a row or column. Remember, a tricky pitfall seed will always be spaced one unit away from the other saplings in its row or column. If you see a gap, be careful—it could be a tricky seed.

Tap your Way Ahead

Another way to identify a tricky pitfall seed is to tap your way ahead. When you're walking around in your town, you can listen to the sound of your footsteps. When you're approaching a row or column of saplings, pay attention to the sound of your footsteps. If the sound changes, it's a sign that there may be a gap or tricky seed ahead.

Check the Map

If you're having trouble spotting tricky pitfalls, try checking your map. The map can show you the layout of your town, including the location of the saplings. Look for any gaps in the rows or columns. When you see a gap, it could be a tricky pitfall seed.


Tricky pitfalls may be frustrating, but with a little bit of strategy, you can avoid them. Look for gaps between the saplings in each row and column, tap your way ahead to listen for changes in sound, and check your map to spot any potential tricky pitfalls. By following these tips and tricks, you'll be able to easily navigate your town and enjoy everything that Animal Crossing: New Horizons has to offer.

Thank you for reading! We hope these tips will help you in identifying and dealing with tricky pitfalls in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed

What is the Animal Crossing Tricky Pitfall Seed?

The Tricky Pitfall Seed is a rare item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that can be used to craft a pitfall. The pitfall is a trap that can be buried in the ground, and when another player steps on it, they will fall into a hole.

How do I get the Tricky Pitfall Seed?

The Tricky Pitfall Seed can only be obtained by trading with other players or purchasing it from the Nook Shopping catalog. It is not available for purchase from any of the in-game shops.

Can I use the Tricky Pitfall Seed on my own island?

Yes, you can use the Tricky Pitfall Seed on your own island to prank your friends or create an obstacle course. However, be aware that the pitfall will disappear after someone falls into it, so you will need to make a new one if you want to continue using it.

Can I sell the Tricky Pitfall Seed for Bells?

Yes, you can sell the Tricky Pitfall Seed for Bells at Nook's Cranny or through online trading with other players. However, it is a rare item, so it may fetch a higher price than other items.

Can I customize the Tricky Pitfall Seed?

No, the Tricky Pitfall Seed cannot be customized or dyed. It will always look the same, regardless of how many times it is used or traded.


  • The Tricky Pitfall Seed is a rare item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that can be used to craft a pitfall.
  • The seed can only be obtained by trading with other players or purchasing it from the Nook Shopping catalog.
  • You can use the pitfall on your own island, but it will disappear after someone falls into it.
  • You can sell the Tricky Pitfall Seed for Bells, but it is a rare item that may fetch a higher price.
  • The Tricky Pitfall Seed cannot be customized or dyed.