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Expert Animal Control Services in Smyrna, TN – Keeping Your Property Safe and Pest-Free!

Expert Animal Control Services in Smyrna, TN – Keeping Your Property Safe and Pest-Free!

Are you concerned about the well-being of stray animals in Smyrna, TN? Look no further than Animal Control Smyrna. Our team is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for all animals in the area.

Did you know that there are over 70 million stray animals in the United States? This number is staggering, but our team at Animal Control Smyrna is committed to reducing that number one animal at a time.

We provide a variety of services to help keep our community's animals healthy and safe. From spaying and neutering to vaccinations and surgery, our team of professionals has the experience and expertise to handle any situation.

Have you found a lost or injured animal in Smyrna? Don't hesitate to contact us. Our team of trained professionals will respond quickly and efficiently to ensure that the animal receives proper care.

Not only do we provide care for stray animals, but we also offer education and resources for pet owners. Our team can provide tips on proper pet care, training, and more.

Have you ever considered adopting a pet? Animal Control Smyrna has a variety of pets available for adoption. By adopting a pet from us, you're not only providing a loving home for an animal in need but also becoming a part of our mission to reduce the number of stray animals in the community.

Animal Control Smyrna is committed to promoting responsible pet ownership. We encourage all pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and properly licensed.

As a part of our commitment to the community, we also work with local schools to provide education about animal welfare and responsible pet ownership. We believe that by educating children, we can create a brighter future for animals in our community.

Don't let stray animals go unnoticed in your neighborhood. Report any sightings or concerns to Animal Control Smyrna. Together we can make a difference in the lives of animals.

By choosing Animal Control Smyrna, you're not only choosing top-quality care for animals in need but also supporting a valuable organization dedicated to the welfare of animals in the community. We invite you to learn more about our services and how you can help support our mission.

Animal Control Smyrna, Tn
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About Animal Control in Smyrna, TN

Animal control is an essential service that manages animal-related issues in a community. This includes enforcing local laws and regulations regarding pets, capturing stray animals, rescuing sick or injured wildlife, and educating the public on responsible pet ownership. In Smyrna, TN, the animal control department plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for both humans and animals.

The Duties of Smyrna's Animal Control Department

The animal control department in Smyrna, TN, is responsible for addressing a wide range of animal-related issues. Some of the primary duties include:

Capturing and Impounding Stray Animals: Stray animals can pose a significant risk to public safety, as they may cause traffic accidents or attack people and other animals. The animal control officers in Smyrna are trained to capture and impound stray animals. Once in custody, the animals will be taken to the local shelter for evaluation, and efforts will be made to reunite them with their owners.

Investigating Animal Neglect and Abuse: The animal control department also investigates reports of animal abuse or neglect. If an officer determines that an animal is being mistreated, they may remove the animal from its owner's care and pursue criminal charges against the individual responsible.

Rabies Control: Rabies is a deadly virus that can be transmitted from animals to humans through bites or scratches. The animal control department plays a vital role in preventing the spread of rabies by vaccinating domestic animals and responding to reports of potentially rabid wildlife.

Pet Licensing and Regulation: To ensure that pets are properly cared for and do not become a nuisance to others, the animal control department enforces local ordinances related to pet ownership. This includes licensing requirements, leash laws, and rules regarding the disposal of animal waste.

How to Report Animal-Related Issues in Smyrna

If you encounter an animal-related issue in Smyrna, TN, you should contact the animal control department immediately. Reports can be made by calling the department's non-emergency phone number or by submitting a report online. Some common issues that may warrant a call to animal control include:

  • Stray Animals: If you see a stray dog or cat roaming your neighborhood, contact animal control right away. The animal may be lost or abandoned, and it is important to get them off the streets and into a safe environment as soon as possible.
  • Animal Abuse and Neglect: If you witness an animal being mistreated or neglected, report it to animal control immediately. Officers will investigate the situation and take appropriate action to ensure the animal's well-being.
  • Wildlife Encounters: If you encounter a wild animal that appears sick or injured, contact animal control. Officers are trained to handle wildlife and will work to safely capture and transport the animal to a wildlife rehabilitation center if necessary.
  • Pet Nuisances: If your neighbor's dog is constantly barking or their cat is causing damage to your property, you can contact animal control for assistance. Officers can mediate disputes between neighbors and enforce local ordinances related to pet ownership.


Animal control is an essential service that helps to promote public safety and animal welfare. In Smyrna, TN, the animal control department plays a critical role in managing animal-related issues and educating the community on responsible pet ownership. By reporting animal-related issues promptly and working collaboratively with animal control officers, we can help to create a safe and healthy environment for both humans and animals.

Animal Control Smyrna, TN: A Comparison


Animal control is a vital service for any community that aims to promote public health and safety. The town of Smyrna, TN, is no exception, as its residents rely on animal control services to ensure the humane treatment of animals while also protecting them from harm. This article will compare two animal control service providers in Smyrna: Smyrna Animal Services Department (SASD) and Rutherford County PAWS.


Smyrna Animal Services Department is a municipal animal control service provider that is responsible for enforcing animal-related ordinances within town limits. Rutherford County PAWS, on the other hand, is a non-profit organization that operates a shelter for homeless pets while also providing animal control services to unincorporated areas of the county.

Mission Statements

Both SASD and Rutherford County PAWS have mission statements that emphasize their commitment to promoting the welfare of animals. SASD's mission is to provide compassionate care and control for all animals while advocating responsible pet ownership. Rutherford County PAWS' mission is to promote the welfare of companion animals through protection, placement, education, and example.

Table 1: Mission Statements Comparison

Service Provider Mission Statement
Smyrna Animal Services Department To provide compassionate care and control for all animals while advocating responsible pet ownership.
Rutherford County PAWS To promote the welfare of companion animals through protection, placement, education, and example.

Services Offered

SASD and Rutherford County PAWS offer similar animal control services, such as responding to complaints regarding loose or aggressive animals, investigating cases of animal cruelty, and enforcing animal-related ordinances. However, Rutherford County PAWS also provides additional services, including low-cost spay/neuter surgeries, pet adoption, and community outreach programs.

Table 2: Services Offered Comparison

Service Provider Animal Control Services Additional Services
Smyrna Animal Services Department Responding to complaints re/ loose or aggressive animals, investigating cases of animal cruelty, enforcing animal-related ordinances N/A
Rutherford County PAWS Responding to complaints re/ loose or aggressive animals, investigating cases of animal cruelty, enforcing animal-related ordinances Low-cost spay/neuter surgeries, pet adoption, community outreach programs

Staff Qualifications

Both SASD and Rutherford County PAWS hire trained professionals who are knowledgeable about animal behavior, welfare, and public health. SASD staff includes an animal control officer and an animal caregiver, while Rutherford County PAWS has a team composed of a shelter manager, animal care specialists, and volunteers.

Table 3: Staff Qualifications Comparison

Service Provider Animal Control Officer Animal Caregiver/ Specialist Volunteers
Smyrna Animal Services Department 1 1 N/A
Rutherford County PAWS N/A 5 20+


SASD operates from an animal shelter that can house approximately 30 animals at once. Rutherford County PAWS has a larger facility that can accommodate up to 100 dogs and cats. Both facilities are equipped with basic necessities, such as kennels, food, water, and medical supplies.

Table 4: Facilities Comparison

Service Provider Facility Capacity for Animals
Smyrna Animal Services Department 30
Rutherford County PAWS 100


Overall, both SASD and Rutherford County PAWS play vital roles in promoting animal welfare and safety in Smyrna, TN. Despite their differences in funding and operational frameworks, they share the same goal of protecting and caring for animals while also educating the community on responsible pet ownership. However, considering the comprehensive range of services provided by Rutherford County PAWS, they seem to have a broader impact on the community and are better equipped to address more complex animal-related issues. In conclusion, as residents of Smyrna, TN, we can support both service providers by reporting animal welfare concerns promptly, volunteering at their facilities, and advocating responsible pet ownership.

Animal Control Smyrna, TN: Tips and Guidelines


Smyrna, TN is a beautiful city with a diversity of wildlife. While this may be great for nature lovers, it can pose challenges for homeowners, especially when wild animals invade their space. Animal control is a crucial service in Smyrna to ensure the safety of residents and their pets. Here are some tips and guidelines on animal control in Smyrna, TN.

The role of Animal control officers

Animal control officers play an essential role in maintaining public safety through the humane treatment of animals. They are responsible for responding to calls about animals' welfare, capturing stray or dangerous animals, enforcing animal control laws, and providing education and outreach to the community.

1) Report all sightings or incidents

If you encounter any wildlife that appears sick, diseased, or acting strangely, report it immediately to the authorities. Similarly, if your pet runs away, contact animal control, who can help locate them.

2) Keep your pets on leashes

Pets should always be kept on a leash when outdoors, even in fenced-in yards. This helps prevent them from coming into contact with other animals, such as coyotes, snakes, or raccoons, that could cause harm.

3) Protect your home

Seal any openings around your home that could potentially provide entry points for snakes, raccoons, and other critters. Make sure garbage cans are secure and not overflowing, as these attract unwanted wildlife into the area.

4) Do not feed wildlife

Avoid feeding wild animals such as raccoons, squirrels, and birds, as it can encourage them to become more of a nuisance. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency advises against feeding any wildlife for various reasons, including the spread of diseases and aggressive behaviors.

5) Know local animal control laws

It is crucial to review laws pertaining to pets and wildlife in Smyrna, as this will help ensure you comply with regulations. For instance, leash laws are put in place to protect pets and their owners from harm.


Wildlife encounters can be unpredictable, but taking preventative measures can keep your pets and home safe. By reporting sightings, keeping your pet on a leash, protecting your home, not feeding wild animals, and knowing local animal control laws, you can avoid the woes associated with unwanted visits from wild creatures. Remember, animal control officers are here to assist residents and keep the community safe.


  • The Town of Smyrna. (n.d.). Animal Services. Retrieved August 25, 2021, from
  • Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. (n.d.). Tennessee Wildlife Information: Feeding Wildlife. Retrieved August 25, 2021, from

Animal Control in Smyrna, TN: Promoting Responsible Pet Ownership and Protecting the Community

As a pet owner, you have a responsibility to take good care of your furry friend. That includes providing them with food, shelter, exercise, and love. But it also means ensuring that they do not pose a threat to public safety and comply with local regulations. That's where animal control in Smyrna, TN comes in.

Animal control refers to the management and enforcement of laws and policies related to domesticated and wild animals in urban and rural areas. Its main objectives are to promote responsible pet ownership, prevent animal cruelty, and protect the health and welfare of humans and animals alike.

There are many reasons why animal control is important in Smyrna and other cities across the country. For one, it helps reduce the number of stray and nuisance animals that can cause property damage, transmit diseases, or attack humans or other pets. It also provides a humane and efficient way of dealing with lost, abandoned, or abused animals, by either reuniting them with their owners, placing them in foster homes, or euthanizing them if necessary.

Moreover, animal control agencies work closely with law enforcement, health departments, and other organizations to respond to emergencies, such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and large-scale rescues. They also educate the public about the benefits and responsibilities of pet ownership, offer spaying and neutering services, and enforce licensing, vaccination, and leash laws.

In Smyrna, the Animal Control Division operates under the Police Department and is responsible for enforcing the City's Animal Control Ordinance. This ordinance sets forth rules for keeping animals within city limits, including dogs, cats, rabbits, livestock, and exotic animals. Some of the provisions include:

  • Keeping dogs on a leash or in a fenced yard
  • Limiting the number of animals per household
  • Picking up after your pet's waste
  • Providing adequate food, water, and shelter
  • Preventing animal cruelty and neglect
  • Obtaining a license and rabies vaccination for dogs over four months old

If you violate any of these rules, you may receive a citation, fine, or court summons. The Animal Control Officer may also impound your pet if it is found running at large, aggressive, sick, or dangerous. Therefore, it is important to comply with the ordinance and be a responsible pet owner.

The Animal Control Division also provides services such as:

  • Pickup and transport of stray or injured animals
  • Investigation of animal bites, attacks, or other incidents
  • Assistance with animal cruelty or neglect cases
  • Safe disposal of dead animals
  • Humane traps for catching nuisance wildlife

If you need to report a lost or found pet, a dangerous animal, or any other animal-related issue, you can contact the Animal Control Division during business hours at (615) 459-6644 or the Smyrna Police Department after hours at (615) 459-6644. You can also visit the Animal Control webpage on the city's website for more information and resources.

By working together with animal control officers, you can help ensure that your pet is safe, healthy, and well-behaved in public. You can also prevent unnecessary conflicts or accidents with other pets or humans. Remember that your actions as a pet owner have a ripple effect on the community and the environment, so choose wisely and be responsible.

In conclusion, animal control is an essential aspect of public safety and animal welfare in Smyrna and beyond. It requires the cooperation and responsibility of all stakeholders, including pet owners, animal control officers, law enforcement, and community members. By following the rules and guidelines set forth by the Animal Control Division, you can help maintain a harmonious and healthy relationship between humans and animals. Thank you for being a responsible pet owner and supporting animal control in Smyrna, TN.

People Also Ask About Animal Control Smyrna, TN

What is Animal Control Smyrna, TN?

Animal Control Smyrna, TN is a government agency responsible for enforcing animal-related laws, such as the care and treatment of animals and public safety regarding animals.

What services are offered by Animal Control Smyrna, TN?

Animal Control Smyrna, TN offers services such as animal adoption, animal rescue, animal cruelty investigation, pet microchipping, and issuance of dog licenses.

How do I report an animal violation in Smyrna, TN?

  1. Contact Animal Control Smyrna, TN by phone or email to report any animal violations.
  2. Provide the location and description of the animal(s) and the violation.
  3. Animal Control Smyrna, TN will follow up with an investigation and potential enforcement action.

What should I do if I find a lost pet in Smyrna, TN?

  • Check for tags and identification on the animal
  • Contact Animal Control Smyrna, TN to report the found pet
  • Take the pet to a local veterinarian or pet shelter to have it scanned for a microchip
  • Post flyers in the local area to try and find the pet's owner

How can I adopt a pet from Animal Control Smyrna, TN?

Visit the Animal Control Smyrna, TN facility during their open hours and view the available pets. Fill out an adoption application and follow the necessary procedures for adoption, including payment of fees and potential requirements for spaying/neutering.