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What Is Deku's Preferred Animal? Discover the Favorite Animal of My Hero Academia's Protagonist.

What Is Deku's Preferred Animal? Discover the Favorite Animal of My Hero Academia's Protagonist.

If you're a fan of the hit anime series My Hero Academia, then you know just how much of an underdog our protagonist Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, truly is. Despite not having any inherent superpowers in a world filled with superheroes, he still manages to hold his own and become a hero in his own right. But have you ever stopped to wonder what Deku's favorite animal might be?It may seem like a trivial question, but knowing the answer can actually give you some insight into Deku's character. After all, we can learn a lot about a person based on their likes and dislikes. So, without further ado, let's get to the bottom of this mystery.

Firstly, it's important to note that Deku has never explicitly stated what his favorite animal is. However, there are some clues that we can pick up on by paying attention to the show and its various adaptations.In the My Hero Academia: Two Heroes movie, for example, Deku is shown to be particularly fond of rabbits. He even has a small stuffed rabbit that he keeps with him and refers to as his good-luck charm. Could this mean that rabbits are his favorite animal?

Perhaps, but it's worth noting that rabbits aren't the only animals that Deku has shown an affinity for. In one of the show's early episodes, he rescues a stray cat and takes it to a nearby pet store to get it food and medical attention. This suggests that he might have a soft spot for cats as well.

But wait, there's more! In the My Hero Academia manga spin-off School Briefs, Deku is revealed to be a big fan of dogs. He even mentions that if he weren't pursuing a career as a hero, he would love to work at a pet store and take care of dogs.

So, what's the answer? Is Deku's favorite animal a rabbit, a cat, or a dog? The truth is, we may never know for sure. However, the fact that he has shown an appreciation for all three of these animals tells us something about his character.Deku is someone who cares deeply about others and is willing to go out of his way to help them. Whether it's a stray cat in need or a pet store full of dogs that need taking care of, he's always ready to lend a hand. This makes him not only a great hero but also a great human being.

In conclusion, while we may never know for certain what Deku's favorite animal is, we can still admire his compassion and willingness to help others. Whether it's rabbits, cats, or dogs, we know that he would do anything to make sure they are safe and happy. And really, isn't that what being a hero is all about?So, next time you watch My Hero Academia, pay close attention to the animals that appear on screen. You never know, one of them might just be Deku's favorite.

What Is Deku'S Favorite Animal
"What Is Deku'S Favorite Animal" ~ bbaz

One of the most popular anime and manga series in the world, My Hero Academia, has a plethora of unique and lovable characters. However, one character that stands out from the rest is Izuku Midoriya, more commonly known as Deku. Despite his lack of innate powers, Deku is hailed as one of the strongest heroes, thanks to his quick-thinking, strategic mind and his resilience. While many fans know much about this iconic hero, there is still one question on everyone's minds: what is Deku's favorite animal?

Theories and Speculations

Over the years, fans of My Hero Academia have come up with several theories and speculations regarding Deku's favorite animal. Some fans believe that he loves dogs, based on his admiration for All Might's dog, and the fact that his own costume looks similar to a dog.

Others speculate that his favorite animal is actually a bunny, given that it's often used as a motif for him, as well as the fact that he seems to be fond of rabbits in general. There are also those who believe that Deku's favorite animal might be an owl, considering his intelligence and love for reading books.

The Hunt for Clues

Interestingly, the creator of My Hero Academia, Kohei Horikoshi, has never revealed what Deku's favorite animal is. Still, this hasn't stopped fans from trying to gather clues from various sources.

Some fans believe that Deku's favorite animal could be a reference to his parents. In the show, Deku's dad is a fire-breathing dragon, while his mother is said to be like a bunny. This has led some to believe that Deku's favorite animal may be a rabbit or a dragon, as a nod to his parents.

An Unlikely Candidate?

While there are many theories about what Deku's favorite animal is, there is one animal that seems to be the most unlikely: the whale shark. The reason for this speculation is because of a popular merchandise line in Japan that features Deku with a whale shark plushie. Some fans believe that this may be a clue, indicating that Deku's favorite animal is indeed the whale shark.


In conclusion, the hunt for Deku's favorite animal continues, and fans may never know for sure what it is. While there are plenty of theories and clues, only Kohei Horikoshi knows the truth. Until then, fans will continue to speculate and guess, adding another layer of mystery to My Hero Academia's beloved protagonist.

What Is Deku's Favorite Animal?


Deku is one of the most popular characters from the anime series, My Hero Academia. He is known for his kind heart and strong determination to become a hero. However, many fans are curious about what Deku's favorite animal is. In this blog post, we will explore this topic in-depth and compare some of the animals that could potentially be his favorite.

The Top Contenders

There are a few different animals that are likely contenders for Deku's favorite. Let's take a look at each of them:- Dogs: Deku has shown a great love for dogs throughout the series. He even has a dog named Kota, who he rescued from a group of villains. Dogs are loyal animals and are often associated with heroes, so it makes sense that Deku would appreciate them.- Rabbits: Rabbits are often seen as cute and innocent animals, which is very fitting for Deku's personality. He has also been shown to have a soft spot for small animals, so rabbits could be a strong contender for favorite animal.- Cats: While Deku hasn't shown any particular affinity for cats in the series, they are popular pets and could be a potential favorite for him.

Comparison Chart

To compare these animals, we can create a chart:Animal | Description | Likelihood of Being Deku's Favorite--- | --- | ---Dogs | Loyal and often associated with heroes | HighRabbits | Cute and innocent, fitting for Deku's personality | MediumCats | Popular pets, but no particular affinity shown by Deku | Low


In my opinion, I think that dogs are the most likely candidate for Deku's favorite animal. Throughout the series, he has shown a deep love and appreciation for them, and even has a dog of his own. While rabbits are cute and fitting for his personality, I don't think they quite have the same level of connection that he has with dogs.

Dogs in My Hero Academia

Dogs play a significant role in My Hero Academia. In addition to Kota, who was mentioned earlier, there are other dogs that appear throughout the series. One of the most memorable is the giant dog named Fangs, who belongs to the pro hero, Katsuki Bakugo. Fangs is incredibly powerful and helps out in battles, proving that dogs can be heroes too.

Rabbits in My Hero Academia

While rabbits aren't as prominent in the series as dogs, there have been a few instances where they have appeared. One of the most notable is Mirio Togata's quirk, which allows him to phase through objects. This quirk is likened to a rabbit's ability to burrow underground, so rabbits do have some relevance to the show.

Cats in My Hero Academia

Cats haven't played a significant role in My Hero Academia, but there have been a few instances where they have appeared. One example is the cat that is shown in the background of an early episode, but it doesn't have any particular significance or impact on the story.


In conclusion, while we may not know for sure what Deku's favorite animal is, there are a few strong contenders, with dogs being the most likely. Comparing dogs, rabbits, and cats shows us that while rabbits may be fitting for Deku's personality, they don't have the same level of connection as dogs do. Regardless of which animal is his favorite, Deku's love for all creatures great and small is just one more reason why he is such a beloved character.

What Is Deku's Favorite Animal?


Deku, the main character of the popular anime My Hero Academia, has become a beloved figure in the world of anime and manga. He is known for his kind heart, his determination, and his unwavering love for all things heroic. However, fans have been curious about one thing for a while now – what is Deku's favorite animal?

Deku's Love for Animals

It's no secret that Deku loves animals. Throughout the series, we've seen him interact with a range of creatures, from the giant villainous Nomu to the small, adorable rabbit-like creature, Eri. This love for animals is just one of the many endearing qualities that we've come to love about Deku.

Deku's Quirk

Deku's quirk, or superpower, is called One For All. It allows him to tap into the power of all the previous users of the quirk, giving him immense strength and speed. However, this quirk has also given him a heightened sense of empathy, which is one of the reasons why he's so drawn to animals.

Deku's Favorite Animal Revealed

So, without further ado, what is Deku's favorite animal? According to an interview with My Hero Academia creator Kohei Horikoshi, Deku's favorite animal is… the rabbit!

Deku and Rabbits

It's not hard to see why Deku loves rabbits. They're cute, fluffy, and often associated with all things innocent and pure – just like Deku! In fact, one of the most memorable moments in the series was when Deku encountered a small rabbit in the woods during the forest training arc.

The Rabbit as a Symbol

The rabbit has also come to symbolize Deku's journey as a hero. In Japanese folklore, the rabbit is often seen as a symbol of perseverance and hard work. This fits perfectly with Deku's determination to become the greatest hero of all time, despite being born without a quirk.

Deku's Other Favorite Animals

While rabbits are clearly Deku's top pick, he's shown love for a range of other animals throughout the series as well. For example, he's often seen interacting with cats (such as his classmate Shigaraki's cat-like quirk) and dogs (like the one he rescued from a villain attack).

What We Can Learn from Deku's Love for Animals

Deku's love for animals may seem like a minor detail, but it actually tells us a lot about his character. It shows us that he has a kind heart, a strong sense of empathy, and an appreciation for the small, innocent things in life. These are all qualities that we can aspire to in our own lives.


In conclusion, we now know that Deku's favorite animal is the rabbit. This love for animals is just one of the many things that make him such a beloved character in the anime and manga world. Whether you're a fan of My Hero Academia or not, we can all learn something from Deku's kind heart and his appreciation for all creatures great and small.

Exploring the Favorite Animal of Deku from My Hero Academia

Welcome to a world where anime and manga transcend boundaries and bring people from all walks of life together. One such famous anime is My Hero Academia, which has captured the hearts of many fans worldwide. The anime follows the journey of young Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, as he navigates the world of heroism.

As an anime fan, one can get attached to the characters, their quirks, and everything about them. Today, we will take a deep dive into the favorite animal of Deku and explore its significance.

The show doesn't give any explicit hints about Deku's favorite animal, but it gives us various points that hint towards his partiality towards a few creatures. Being a die-hard fan myself, I have noted down a few signs and symptoms that suggest what his favorite animal could be.

The first hint is in one of the earliest episodes where Deku is shown feeding his pet cat, Kota. This scene demonstrates his caring and compassionate nature towards animals. Another sign we come across is his reaction to the quirk of one of his classmates, Mineta, whose quirk involves grape-like objects sticking to surfaces- It bears a close resemblance to a frog's sticky tongue. Furthermore, Inko Midoriya, Deku's mother, has a liking towards small birds, especially sparrows, which shows that Deku has probably grown up around them and might have developed an affinity towards them too.

However, all these hints are just speculation, and the most clear-cut answer might lie in the creator's interview. In an interview with Kohei Horikoshi, the creator of My Hero Academia, he said that Deku's favorite animal is a Rabbit.

Now we know that Deku's favorite animal is a rabbit. Let's explore why rabbits could be Deku's spirit animal.

First and foremost is the symbolism behind a rabbit. Rabbits are often associated with quickness, speed, agility, and alertness. All these traits resonate with Deku's personality- he is quick on his feet and highly perceptive, which allows him to make split-second decisions.

Moreover, rabbits are known for their compassionate nature, which fits in perfectly with Deku's hardworking and kind-hearted personality. Rabbits are also social animals, known for sticking together and showing tremendous loyalty to their group members, which mirrors Deku's great bond with his friends and classmates.

The creators have also portrayed Deku with rabbit-like qualities, such as big ears and soft, fluffy hair that resembles a bunny's fur. Additionally, In season 2, episode 2 of My Hero Academia, when the character Mei Hatsume creates a new support item and asks Deku to test it out, she gives the item rabbit-like attributes, further hinting towards Deku's love for rabbits.

In conclusion, while there weren't any concrete hints within the anime regarding Deku's favorite animal, some observations and interviews with the show's creator give us enough evidence to suggest that Deku's favorite animal is indeed a rabbit. The symbolisms behind a rabbit fit in perfectly with Deku's personality traits and make it an ideal spirit animal for the young hero.

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and learned something new about one of the most famous anime characters worldwide. Don't forget to share your views on our social media handles and stay tuned for more exciting blogs and updates!

What Is Deku's Favorite Animal?

Who is Deku?

Deku is a fictional character from the popular anime and manga series, My Hero Academia. He is also known by his real name, Izuku Midoriya.

What is Deku's favorite animal?

Throughout the series, Deku has not explicitly stated what his favorite animal is. However, there are some animals that hold significance to him.

1. Dogs

In the first season of the anime, Deku has a brief encounter with a lost dog. He takes care of the dog and returns it to its owner, showing kindness and compassion towards animals.

2. All Might's Lion

All Might, Deku's mentor and a retired hero, has a lion named Simba. Simba serves as a symbol of All Might's strength and power, which inspires Deku to become a hero himself.

3. Katsuki Bakugou's Pomeranian

In the manga, there is a running joke that Deku believes Bakugou's explosive quirk is the result of a small, fluffy Pomeranian being trapped inside him. Though this is not a real animal, it has become a sort of inside joke between the two characters.

Overall, while there is no clear answer to what Deku's favorite animal is, his character shows respect and empathy towards all creatures, big and small.