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Unleash the Power of Friendship with Animal Friend Perk in Fallout 4

Unleash the Power of Friendship with Animal Friend Perk in Fallout 4

Are you tired of traveling alone in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Fallout 4? Do you long for some companionship and protection on your journey? Look no further than the Animal Friend perk.

This perk, available at level 10, allows you to befriend and pacify certain animals in the game. From vicious deathclaws to loyal dogs, these animals can become valuable allies in your fight for survival.

Not only do they provide extra firepower in combat, but they can also sniff out hidden loot and assist in navigating the treacherous terrain.

But how exactly does one become an animal whisperer in Fallout 4? First, you must invest a point in the Animal Friend perk and then approach a non-hostile animal.

From there, the player must pass a Charisma check and offer a piece of food or drink as a peace offering. If successful, the animal will become neutral and follow the player's commands in combat.

But the benefits don't stop there. With the Animal Friend perk at rank 2, the player can even make hostile animals friendly and recruit them as followers.

Imagine traversing the wasteland with a pack of feral ghouls by your side, taking down raiders and super mutants with ease.

The Animal Friend perk also adds a layer of depth and strategy to the game, as certain animals are more effective in different environments and situations.

For example, a radscorpion can easily burrow underground and surprise enemies, while a yao guai can charge into battle and deal massive damage.

The perk also adds a bit of humor to the game, as the player can often engage in silly conversations with their animal companions. Who wouldn't want to have a chat with a talking brahmin?

But perhaps the greatest benefit of the Animal Friend perk is the emotional connection players can form with their animal companions. These creatures aren't just mindless NPCs; they have personalities and quirks that make them feel like real companions.

In a game world as bleak and desolate as Fallout 4, having an animal friend by your side can be an uplifting and rewarding experience.

So, if you're looking to add some furry (or scaly) friends to your journey through the wasteland, invest in the Animal Friend perk and start building those bonds today.

Animal Friend Perk Fallout 4
"Animal Friend Perk Fallout 4" ~ bbaz

The Animal Friend Perk in Fallout 4

Fallout 4 is one of the most popular video games of recent times and has succeeded in creating a massive following of fans. One of the most interesting features that Fallout 4 has to offer is the Animal Friend perk. This perk enables players to befriend certain animals in the game, who will then help them in their journeys. Let's explore more about this perk.

What is the Animal Friend perk?

Animal Friend is a perk in Fallout 4 that allows the player to pacify certain wild animals in the game by using their charisma and intimidation skills. Once the animal is pacified, it becomes a companion to the player. They can follow the player around, help them in combat and even protect them from other dangerous creatures in the game. It's an excellent way to build up your team, boost your confidence while exploring unknown territories and gives players an extra edge during battles.

How does it work?

To use the Animal Friend perk, players must first invest 3 ranks in the Charisma skill tree. After that, they need to approach a wild animal and select the 'Pacify' option. If successful, the animal will become non-hostile and follow the player. The higher the player's charisma level, the better the chances of pacifying animals in the game.

What animals can be befriended?

There are several animals in Fallout 4 that can be befriended using the Animal Friend perk. Some of these include dogs, wolves, yao guai, cats, radstags, and even bears. However, not all animals can be pacified, so players must carefully try their luck with different animals. Some animals might also require a higher level of Charisma to befriend than others.

Advantages of using the Animal Friend perk

The Animal Friend perk has several advantages for players. Firstly, it makes surviving in the game much easier when you have a companion helping you. Secondly, it is an effective way of dealing with hostile animals, as pacified animals will help fight against other aggressive creatures. Thirdly, it provides players with an opportunity to see and interact with new areas of the game world as they roam around with their new animal companions.

Disadvantages of using the Animal Friend perk

While the Animal Friend perk is an impressive addition to Fallout 4, it also comes with some disadvantages. One of the significant drawbacks is that not all animals can be pacified. Also, some pacified animals may become hostile again if players harm them or accidentally shoot them during combat. Finally, pacified animals will not follow commands from the player, and their actions are unpredictable dependent on the situation they are in.


In conclusion, the Animal Friend perk is an exciting addition to Fallout 4. It adds another dimension to the game by allowing players to befriend certain animals and use them as companions. Although it comes with some disadvantages, the benefits of having companions fighting alongside you far outweigh it. The perk provides an excellent way to explore the game world in a new and exciting way, and it is definitely one of the most interesting perks in the game.

If you haven't tried using the Animal Friend perk yet, give it a go! You never know what new experiences and challenges await you in the Fallout 4 game world.

Animal Friend Perk Fallout 4: Comparative Analysis


Fallout 4 is a post-apocalyptic RPG game that revolves around surviving in a nuclear wasteland. The game offers a plethora of perks to help players survive and thrive in the dangerous world. One such perk is Animal Friend, which allows players to pacify certain animals and recruit them as allies. In this blog article, we will compare the Animal Friend perk in Fallout 4 with other similar perks in the game.

The Perks

Fallout 4 has several perks that are similar to Animal Friend. Let's take a look at some of them:

Perk Name Effect
Wasteland Whisperer Allows players to pacify certain human NPCs and recruit them as allies.
Robotics Expert Allows players to hack robots and recruit them as allies.
Cannibal Allows players to eat human corpses for health regeneration.
Ghoulish Allows players to regenerate health by radiation damage.


Out of all the perks mentioned above, Animal Friend is the most useful one in terms of effectiveness. It allows players to recruit powerful animal allies like Deathclaws and Yao Guais, which can be valuable assets in battles. Moreover, having an animal ally can distract enemies and draw their attention away from the player.

Wasteland Whisperer is also a powerful perk, but it has a limited use as it only works on human NPCs. Robotics Expert can be useful too, but robots are not as common as animals in the game. Cannibal and Ghoulish perks are more niche perks that can be useful in certain situations, but they are not as versatile as Animal Friend.


Acquiring the Animal Friend is relatively easy compared to other similar perks. Players can acquire it at level 12 after investing one point in the Charisma attribute and two points in the Animal Friend perk. Wasteland Whisperer, on the other hand, requires players to have a Charisma attribute of at least 9 and invest three points in the perk. Robotics Expert requires a Science attribute of at least 6 and four perk points. Cannibal and Ghoulish require players to invest in the Endurance attribute and multiple perk points.


One of the most significant differences between Animal Friend and other similar perks is its morality implications. Animal Friend allows players to pacify and recruit animals without harming them, making it a morally sound option. In contrast, Wasteland Whisperer and Robotics Expert require players to hack or pacify sentient beings to recruit them, which can be ethically ambiguous. Cannibal and Ghoulish, on the other hand, require players to engage in morally reprehensible actions like eating corpses or exposing oneself to radiation.

Tactical Value

Animal Friend offers players the most tactical value out of all the perks mentioned above. Having a powerful animal ally can turn the tide of battles and make it easier to navigate through the game's dangerous world. Moreover, animal allies are excellent distractions and can draw attention away from the player.

Wasteland Whisperer and Robotics Expert can also be tactically useful, but their benefits are limited as they only work on humanoid and robotic enemies. Cannibal and Ghoulish perks have no tactical value, as they only offer health regeneration benefits.


Animal Friend offers players the unique opportunity to have animal companions in addition to human ones. Animal companions can be loyal and fierce, making them valuable allies in battles. In contrast, other similar perks only allow players to recruit human or robotic companions.


Overall, the Animal Friend perk in Fallout 4 is the most effective, easy to acquire, morally sound, tactically valuable, and unique among other similar perks. Its ability to recruit powerful animal allies adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to the game, making it a must-have for players who enjoy using unconventional tactics to overcome challenges.

Tips and Tutorial: Animal Friend Perk in Fallout 4


Fallout 4 has a wide range of perks that can help you survive the dangerous post-apocalyptic world. One such perk is the Animal Friend perk which can be particularly useful for players who want to interact with the wildlife. This perk allows you to pacify animals and even make them your allies. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the Animal Friend perk, how to unlock it, and how to use it effectively.

Unlocking the Animal Friend Perk

The Animal Friend perk is part of the Charisma tree, and it requires a minimum of level 5 Charisma to unlock. Once you have reached level 5 Charisma, go to any Settlement and talk to the settler named Mama Murphy. She will give you a vision that reveals the location of a specific magazine called Tesla Science Magazine. This magazine is required to unlock the Animal Friend perk. You will find it at the location shown in the vision.

Leveling up the Perk

After unlocking the Animal Friend perk, you can start leveling it up by investing perk points in it. With each point invested, your ability to pacify and gain the trust of tougher animals increases. At rank 2, you can pacify more powerful creatures like Deathclaws. At rank 3, you can actually command animals to attack your enemies. However, keep in mind that animals will only obey you if you have sufficiently high Charisma stat.

Using the Perk

The Animal Friend perk allows you to pacify and befriend various creatures in Fallout 4. This can be useful in many scenarios, including:

-Entering areas inhabited by animals without being attacked-Getting through dangerous routes without having to fight enemies-Gaining an animal companion to help you in combat-Getting access to hard-to-reach areas where wild animals are blocking your path

Pacify vs. Command

Pacifying an animal is the first ability you get with the Animal Friend perk. It will make the creature non-hostile at first and can be used to safely approach them. If you have the third rank of the perk, you can command the them instead of just pacifying. This will effectively turn them into a temporary follower that fights on your side and can accompany you around the map.

Types of animals and level of difficulty

The Animal Friend perk can be used on many types of animals in Fallout 4. However, some creatures are naturally more friendly than others. For example, cows, chickens, and dogs are typically very easy to pacify. On the other hand, Deathclaws, Yao Guai, and Mirelurks will take a lot more skill to pacify or command. Keep this in mind when choosing which perks to invest in.


While the Animal Friend perk can be useful, it’s important to note that it’s not a foolproof strategy. Sometimes even pacified animals can become hostile again if they see you attacking their kind. Additionally, some animals are too aggressive or too high-level for the perk to work on them. Always approach animals with caution, even if you have the Animal Friend perk.

Maximizing the perk’s effectiveness

To maximize the efficacy of the Animal Friend perk, consider upgrading your Charisma stat as well. The higher your Charisma, the easier it will be to pacify and control animals. Also, try not to attack the animals after pacifying them, as doing so will cause them to turn hostile again.

Final thoughts

The Animal Friend perk is a great choice for players who want to have better control over the wildlife in Fallout 4. It can be really helpful as a way to pacify aggressive animals, or even gain their help as temporary allies. Overall, this perk can be a great tool for players who want to make their way through the wasteland, and unlock some new opportunities along the way.

Animal Friend Perk Fallout 4: The Ultimate Guide

Are you tired of hostile animals in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4? Introducing the Animal Friend perk – a game-changer for players who want to tame these creatures and make them their allies. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at what the Animal Friend perk is, how to obtain it, and how to maximize its potentials.

The Animal Friend perk is a charisma-based perk that can be obtained by players who have reached level 10 in Fallout 4. This perk comes in three levels, with each level offering different benefits and abilities for the player. The first level allows players to pacify animals, making them non-aggressive towards the player. On the other hand, the second level enables players to command pacified animals, directing them to attack targets or follow them as companions. Finally, the third and final level unlocks the ability to automatically pacify nearby animals when the player enters sneak mode, making it possible to walk among them without hassle.

If you're the type of player who loves exploring hidden locations and hunting for rare loot, the Animal Friend perk can come in handy. It allows you to bypass hostile animal encounters, giving you more time to scavenge and explore. Imagine being able to saunter through the Glowing Sea without worrying about getting mauled by vicious radscorpions or deathclaws. With the Animal Friend perk, this is entirely possible.

Another advantage of the Animal Friend perk is that it opens up new dialogue options when interacting with animal NPCs. For instance, if you come across a pack of wild dogs, having this perk can enable you to talk to them instead of just fighting them. Depending on your choices, you could persuade them to follow you as a companion, fight by your side, or even reveal hidden locations in the game. This expansion of dialogue options gives players a more immersive and dynamic gameplay experience.

So, how do you get the Animal Friend perk? As mentioned earlier, it's available to players who have reached level 10 and have at least three points in the Charisma attribute. Once those requirements are met, players can choose the perk from the character menu and invest in it using perk points. Be warned that investing in this perk requires significant investment, with each level costing four perk points to unlock. Nevertheless, investing in the Animal Friend perk is worth it, considering the many benefits it offers.

Now let's discuss some tips on how to maximize the Animal Friend perk's potentials. One of the best ways to make use of this perk is to build a settlement and populate it with tamed animals. By using the second level of the perk to command pacified animals, you can send them to your settlement and assign them to work at different roles such as defense or farming. This way, you not only get animal companions but also useful workers for your settlement.

Another tip is to wear gear that boosts your Charisma attribute as this can increase your chances of successfully pacifying animals. Additionally, certain companion perks can complement the Animal Friend perk. For example, when traveling with Piper, her Gift of Gab perk adds an additional +100% speech success chance, making it easier to convince animals to follow or obey you.

You can also use the third level of the perk to sneak into hostile animal territory unnoticed, such as clearing out the wild dogs in your favorite location without having to fight them. This is ideal for players who prefer stealth tactics, or those who want to avoid combat-related injuries. With the Animal Friend perk, it's like having invisibility armor that makes hostile creatures ignore you completely!

Finally, it's crucial to remember that not all animals in Fallout 4 can be tamed or pacified, even with the Animal Friend perk. Creatures such as deathclaws, mirelurk queens, and super mutants are not considered animals, so this perk won't work on them. Additionally, some animals have too high levels for the perk to work, so don't rely solely on it to pacify everything you encounter.

In conclusion, the Animal Friend perk is a must-have for players who want to explore Fallout 4's vast wasteland without constantly being attacked by hostile animals. Don't hesitate to invest in this perk if you're the type of player who wants to enjoy all that Fallout 4 has to offer. Remember to use the tips above and recruit your furry friends into your settlements to make the most out of the perk!

Thank you for reading this guide on the Animal Friend perk in Fallout 4. We hope you found it helpful and informative. Feel free to share your own experiences with the Animal Friend perk in the comments below. Happy taming!

People Also Ask About Animal Friend Perk Fallout 4

What is the Animal Friend Perk in Fallout 4?

The Animal Friend perk is a special ability that allows players to befriend and pacify certain animals in the game. It falls under the Charisma skill tree and can be obtained by spending perk points.

Which animals can be befriended with the Animal Friend Perk?

With Animal Friend perk, players can befriend animals such as dogs, mole rats, rad stags, mongrels, brahmin, and yao guai. However, not all animals in the game are eligible for befriending.

How do I befriend an animal using the Animal Friend perk?

To befriend an animal in Fallout 4, players must first acquire the Animal Friend perk and approach the animal slowly while crouching. Once close enough, the option to pacify the animal will appear, which can be achieved by pressing the action button. After successfully pacifying the animal, it will follow the player and fight alongside them.

Can I use the Animal Friend perk to tame animals and keep them as a pet?

No, the Animal Friend perk only allows players to pacify and temporarily befriend animals. The befriended animal will remain loyal to the player until it is killed or dismissed. It does not become a permanent pet that can be kept by the player.

Is the Animal Friend perk useful in combat situations?

Yes, the Animal Friend perk can be helpful in combat as befriended animals can provide additional support and protection. They can serve as a distraction for enemies, attack nearby foes, and even serve as a meat shield for the player.

Can I have multiple befriended animals at once?

No, players can only have one befriended animal at a time. If they attempt to pacify another animal while already having one, the previous befriended animal will be dismissed.

Is the Animal Friend perk worth getting in Fallout 4?

The value of the Animal Friend perk depends on the player's playstyle. If they favor non-violent methods of conflict resolution or prefer playing with animals, then the perk is highly recommended. However, for those who prefer direct combat and do not find much use for animals, the perk may not be as useful.

How many perk points does it take to acquire the Animal Friend perk?

In Fallout 4, the Animal Friend perk requires two perk points to obtain. It can be acquired after reaching level 11 and investing two perk points in the Charisma skill tree.

Are there any prerequisites to obtaining the Animal Friend perk?

Yes, players must have a Charisma level of at least 5 and have already invested one perk point into the Wasteland Whisperer perk before they can acquire the Animal Friend perk in the game.

Can the Animal Friend perk be used in DLCs?

Yes, the Animal Friend perk can be used in all Fallout 4 DLCs. Players can still pacify and befriend animals in Far Harbor, Nuka-World, and other DLCs just like they can in the main game.