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Mole-like Animal Crossword Clue: Unraveling the Mystery

Mole-like Animal Crossword Clue: Unraveling the Mystery

Mole Like Animal Crossword Clue: What Could It Be?

Have you ever found yourself struggling to answer that one clue in a crossword puzzle that just won't come to mind? It's a feeling we all know too well. However, fear not! We're here to solve that pesky mole like animal crossword clue that has been bugging you for hours.

Firstly, let's define what we're looking for. A mole like animal can refer to a variety of creatures that share similar physical characteristics such as small eyes and ears, a pointed snout, and the ability to dig tunnels with their sharp claws. These animals are typically nocturnal and have a solitary lifestyle.

So, what could be the answer to the elusive crossword clue? Let's explore some options:

Option 1: Shrew

A shrew is a small, mouse-like mammal with a pointed snout and tiny eyes and ears. They are known to tunnel underground and are prevalent in both Europe and North America. Shrews are active all year round, and their diet mainly consists of insects. Could this be the answer to our crossword clue?

Option 2: Mole

Perhaps the most obvious choice, a mole is a small, burrowing mammal with a pointed snout and paddle-like limbs. Their strong digging abilities allow them to create complex underground tunnels, sometimes exceeding 100 feet in length. Moles are mainly found in North America and Europe and have a diet of insects and earthworms.

Option 3: Vole

A vole is slightly bigger than a mouse, with a rounded snout and small ears and eyes. They mainly reside in fields and meadows and are known for their burrowing habits. Voles are herbivores and feed on vegetation. While not as commonly thought of as a mole or shrew, they could still be the answer to our elusive crossword clue.

So, which of these options is the correct answer to the mole like animal crossword clue? Well, it all depends on the context and specific details provided within the puzzle.

While it's tempting to go for the most common answer, sometimes the puzzle creator may have thrown in a curveball, and you may need to consider other possibilities.

In conclusion, the mole like animal crossword clue could refer to any number of species, including shrews, moles, or voles. The key is to pay close attention to the context and particular hints given within the puzzle. With practice, solving those challenging crosswords will become more natural, and you'll be breezing through them in no time.

Still Can't Solve It?

If you're still struggling to find the answer to that elusive mole like animal crossword clue, don't give up! Keep researching and expanding your knowledge of different animal species. And who knows - maybe someday that crossword clue will come to you in a moment of sudden insight!

Mole Like Animal Crossword Clue
"Mole Like Animal Crossword Clue" ~ bbaz

Note: This article contains the solution to Mole-like animal crossword clue, so if you'd like to solve the puzzle by yourself, stop reading now.

The Mole-like Animal Crossword Clue

If you're an avid crossword solver, you might have come across mole-like animal crossword clue and scratched your head for a while. What kind of animal could it be? Is it a mole or a different creature?

Well, the answer is neither. The answer to the mole-like animal crossword clue is SHREW.

What is a Shrew?

A shrew is a small, insect-eating mammal that looks somewhat similar to a mouse or a mole. However, shrews have unique characteristics that set them apart from these other animals.

Shrews have long, pointed snouts and often have venomous saliva, which they use to subdue their prey. They are also very active animals, with high metabolisms, and must eat several times their body weight each day to survive.

Types of Shrews

There are many different types of shrews that live in various habitats around the world. In North America, for example, there are several species of shrews, including the common shrew, the dusky shrew, and the masked shrew.

Each type of shrew has its own unique characteristics, but all share the basic traits of being small, insect-eating mammals with high energy levels.

Why Crosswords Use Tricky Clues Like Mole-like Animal

Crossword puzzles are meant to challenge and entertain, and one way to do this is by using tricky clues that require some thought to solve. Clues like mole-like animal are intentionally vague, as they force solvers to think outside the box and consider a wider range of possibilities.

While it can be frustrating to come across a clue like this, it can also be satisfying when you finally work out the answer. It's all part of the fun and challenge of solving crossword puzzles.

Tips for Solving Tricky Crossword Clues

If you're struggling with a particularly difficult clue like mole-like animal, here are some tips that might help:

  • Think laterally: Don't just focus on the most obvious answer. Consider other possibilities that might fit the clue, even if they seem unlikely at first.
  • Use the crossings: Look at the other words intersecting with the difficult clue. They might provide helpful hints or confirmations.
  • Consult a crossword dictionary: If you're really stuck, try looking up the clue in a specialized crossword dictionary. These books provide lists of words that commonly appear in puzzles, along with their definitions.
  • Take a break: Sometimes, stepping away from a puzzle for a while can help you see things with fresh eyes. Come back to it later, and you might find the answer jumps out at you.

The Fun of Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles are one of the most popular word games in the world, and for good reason. They combine language skills, problem-solving, and a little bit of luck to create a challenging and entertaining activity.

Whether you're a crossword veteran or a newbie, solving clues like mole-like animal is part of the fun and challenge. So embrace the puzzle, and enjoy the thrill of finding the answer.

Comparing Mole-Like Animals in Different Environments


Mole-like animals are often found in a variety of environments, ranging from deserts to forests. These animals are known for their exceptional digging abilities and rounded bodies that help them burrow underground. In this article, we will compare several mole-like animals from different environments and discuss their similarities and differences.

The Naked Mole Rat

The Naked Mole Rat is a fascinating animal that lives underground in communal colonies of up to 300 individuals. Even though they look like wrinkled pink sausages, they are incredibly intelligent and can solve complex problems. They have a large set of incisors that they use to dig their tunnels and to crack open tough tubers that are their primary food source. Unlike other species that drink water, naked mole rats get all the hydration they need from their food.

Similarities and Differences

The naked mole-rat shares a lot of similarities with other mole-like animals. They have small eyes, lack external ears, and rely heavily on their sense of touch to navigate through their environment. However, they differ in one significant aspect, which is their social behavior. Naked mole rats live in large colonies, and they work together to build their tunnels and care for their young.

The European Mole

The European mole is a small, furry mammal that has adapted incredibly well to living underground. This species is very common across Europe and Asia. They have short, stubby legs that are perfectly adapted for digging through soil, and their fur is dense and velvety. The average lifespan of a European mole is around four years. They mainly eat earthworms and insects.

Similarities and Differences

Like all mole-like animals, the European mole has small eyes, a pointed snout, and strong digging claws. However, they differ when it comes to their habitat and social behavior. Unlike naked mole rats, European moles are solitary animals that live alone in their tunnels. They may occasionally share a tunnel with a mate during breeding season, but that's about it.

The Golden Mole

Golden moles are fascinating creatures that are only found in Africa. They have short, stocky bodies, and silky fur that is often shiny and iridescent. They are perfectly adapted for living underground and have powerful legs and claws that can dig through tough soil. Golden moles mainly eat insects and other small invertebrates.

Similarities and Differences

The golden mole shares many similarities with other mole-like animals. For example, they all have limited vision, large front claws, and rely on their sense of touch to navigate through their environment. However, golden moles differ in one key aspect, which is their habitat. They are only found in Africa, where they have adapted to thrive in arid and semiarid environments.

The Star-nosed Mole

The star-nosed mole is a species of mole that is endemic to North America. They have a unique feature, which is a set of fleshy tentacles on their nose that look like a star. These tentacles allow the moles to detect and locate prey quickly. The tentacles have around 25,000 sensory receptors, making them the most sensitive organs among any mammal. Star-nosed moles mainly eat insects, earthworms, mollusks, and small aquatic invertebrates.

Similarities and Differences

The star-nosed mole shares many similarities with other mole-like animals. They all have strong claws and bodies shaped for underground living. The major difference that sets the star-nosed mole apart is its unique appendage on its nose. This appendage is highly sensitive, which allows the moles to navigate in complete darkness and find food sources quickly.


In conclusion, mole-like animals are a fascinating group of creatures that have adapted incredibly well to living underground. Despite their similarities, each species has its unique characteristics that set it apart from others. Whether it's the golden mole adapting to arid environments in Africa or the naked mole rat living in large colonies and exhibiting complex social behaviors, each species has its niche and thrives in its respective ecosystem.

Tips and Tutorial: Solving Mole-Like Animal Crossword Clues


Crossword puzzles have been popular with people of all ages for decades. One of the most commonly used themes in these puzzles is animals, and mole-like animals are a particularly common theme. However, if you're not familiar with this type of animal, solving a crossword clue for it can be challenging. In this tutorial, we will provide tips on how to solve mole-like animal crossword clues and make it easier for you.

What are mole-like animals?

Mole-like animals are animals that share similar physical characteristics with moles, such as their underground living habits, small size, digging abilities, and fur. These animals come from different families and species, but they all share the same basic characteristics, which makes them a common theme in crossword puzzles. Some examples of mole-like animals include shrews, hedgehogs, and voles.

Tip 1: Pay attention to the number of letters and placement in the puzzle

The first step in solving a mole-like animal crossword clue is to look at how many letters you need to fill in and where it fits in the puzzle grid. This information can give you a clue as to what kind of animal might fit the description. For example, if you have a four-letter word starting with v or s, it could be a vole or a shrew, respectively.

Tip 2: Use other clues to help narrow it down

If you're still unsure what kind of mole-like animal fits the description, look to the surrounding clues for help. Often, other clues in the puzzle can provide context as to what the animal might be. For example, if you see other clues about small mammals, burrowing, or digging, it's more likely that the mole-like animal you're looking for is a shrew or vole.

Tip 3: Use online resources

If you still can't solve the crossword clue, don't be afraid to use online resources. There are many websites out there that list different kinds of mole-like animals and their characteristics. Researching these animals can help you get a better understanding of what you're looking for, and you might even learn something new in the process.

Tip 4: Know your Latin names

In some cases, the crossword clue may use the Latin name of the mole-like animal as the answer. For example, the answer to your crossword clue might be Talpa europaea, which is the scientific name for the European mole. If you're not familiar with Latin names, it can be difficult to solve these clues. However, a quick Google search can help you translate these names into common names, making it easier to solve the clue.

Tip 5: Look out for variations of spelling

Another thing to be aware of when solving mole-like animal crossword clues is that there may be different ways to spell the animal's name. For example, some people might spell shrew as schrew, or spell vole as voel. If you're struggling to solve a clue, be open to trying different spellings to see if they fit in the puzzle grid.

Tip 6: Think about the context

Sometimes, the context of the crossword puzzle can provide clues as to what kind of mole-like animal you're looking for. For example, if the puzzle is themed around animals found in the forest, it's more likely that the answer to your clue will be a woodland creature like a vole or hedgehog, rather than a mole that lives underground.

Tip 7: Use the cross-checking method

If you're still struggling to solve the clue, try using the cross-checking method. This method involves using other clues and letters in the puzzle to fill in the missing letters of the mole-like animal's name. For example, if you know that the third letter in the word is n, you can try different combinations of letters until you find one that works. This method is particularly useful if you're drawing a blank on the animal's name.

Tip 8: Take a break

If you're stuck on a mole-like animal crossword clue, take a break and come back to it later. Sometimes, a fresh mind can help you to see things in a different light, and you might be able to solve the clue more easily after taking some time away from it.


In conclusion, solving mole-like animal crossword clues can be a fun and challenging puzzle task. By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to solve these types of clues next time they appear in your crossword puzzle. Remember to pay attention to the number of letters, use other clues to narrow down your search, and don't be afraid to seek help if needed. Happy puzzling!

Mole-Like Animal Crossword Clue: Uncovering the Secrets of these Fascinating Creatures

Have you ever come across a mole-like creature in your garden or backyard and wondered what it could be? Mole-like animals are fascinating creatures that are native to different parts of the world. They have evolved unique adaptations that help them survive in their environments, making them interesting subjects for crossword clues and puzzles.

One of the most common mole-like animals is the mole itself, which is known for its cylindrical body, powerful front claws, and keen sense of smell. These features allow it to burrow underground and locate its prey, which often consists of earthworms, insects, and grubs. Moles are found in many parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

Another mole-like animal that is often featured in crossword puzzles is the shrew. These small mammals have a pointed snout, tiny eyes, and sharp claws, which they use to hunt for food and defend themselves against predators. Shrews are found in many parts of the world, from North America to Eurasia.

Other examples of mole-like animals include the marsupial mole, which is found in Australia, and the desman, which is native to Europe and Asia. Both of these creatures have adapted to living in aquatic environments, with the marsupial mole using its shovel-like front paws to swim through the sand and the desman using its elongated nose to hunt for food in streams and lakes.

One of the challenges of identifying mole-like animals is that they all share similar characteristics, which can make it difficult to tell them apart. However, there are some key differences that you can look for when trying to identify a particular species.

For example, moles have large front claws that are used for digging, while shrews have smaller claws that are better suited for grasping and climbing. Marsupial moles have a specialized digestive system to help them process the tough exoskeletons of their prey, while desmans have dense fur to keep them warm in cold water.

Despite their differences, all mole-like animals have one thing in common: they are adapted to live in dark, subterranean environments. This allows them to avoid predators, find food, and protect themselves from extreme temperatures. These adaptations are what make mole-like animals such fascinating and elusive creatures that continue to captivate us to this day.

In conclusion, mole-like animals are an important part of wildlife and have captured our collective imagination for years. They are fascinating creatures that come in many different shapes and sizes, and they have evolved unique adaptations that help them survive in their environments. Whether you're a crossword enthusiast or simply curious about the natural world, learning about mole-like animals is sure to deepen your appreciation for the diversity of life on our planet.

So, the next time you see a mole-like animal or come across a crossword clue featuring one, take a moment to appreciate the unique qualities that make these creatures so special. Who knows, you may just uncover some secrets about these fascinating creatures that you never knew before!

Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoyed learning more about mole-like animals and their amazing adaptations. Stay tuned for more articles on the wonders of the natural world!

People Also Ask About Mole Like Animal Crossword Clue

What is a mole like animal?

A mole like animal is a burrowing mammal with small eyes and ears, short hair, and strong forelimbs used for digging. Moles, shrews, and voles are common examples of mole like animals.

What is a crossword clue?

A crossword clue is a hint or indication used in the puzzle game of crossword to help solve the word or phrase that fits into a series of intersecting horizontal and vertical boxes.

What are other words for mole like animals?

Other words for mole like animals include insectivores, burrowers, diggers, and subterranean animals.

What is the mole like animal crossword clue answer?

The mole like animal crossword clue answer is mole. Mole refers to both the burrowing mammal and the skin blemish often characterized as a dark spot on the skin.


  • Mole like animals are burrowing mammals with small eyes and ears and strong forelimbs used for digging.
  • Crossword clues are hints or indications used in puzzle games like crossword.
  • Insectivores, burrowers, diggers, and subterranean animals are other words for mole like animals.
  • The mole like animal crossword clue answer is mole, which refers to both the burrowing mammal and the skin blemish.